Three Good Happenings Meme: Day 4

Sep 17, 2014 19:34

Oh look I'm actually doing this two days in a row, I'M SO AWESOME, YEEEEAAAHHH ( Read more... )

positivity, food, meme, frondship, my best guy forrest, island life, birdies

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Comments 6

burned_phoenix September 18 2014, 08:35:14 UTC
That's nice :)

Aww, any chance of you taking a photo of those?! They sounds so cute!

That sounds amazing. Even though I don't think I'd like oysters, or lobster :D Enjoy!


zolac_no_miko September 24 2014, 03:10:22 UTC
I'll continue to try! I don't always have my phone on me, and when I do...well, I just tried when I got home today and they were under my breadfruit tree, but Mama Hen is a good mama and gets nervous and won't let me close enough.


burned_phoenix September 24 2014, 07:20:28 UTC
Hehe, okay :)


hardboiledbaby September 21 2014, 07:00:27 UTC
Oysters and lobsters, mmmmmm

Ugh, do you have a lot of coqui frogs near your house?


zolac_no_miko September 24 2014, 03:12:39 UTC
I live in East Hawai‘i at low elevation sooooooo...yep. Many frogs. SO MANY FROGS EVERYWHERE.


mithen September 25 2014, 06:23:04 UTC
When I visited my nieces this summer they took me to look at the neighbor's chickens, and they were silkie chickens, and I was all RABBIT-CHICKEN WHAT IS THIS CUTE MADNESS?

Supper sounds tasty! Everyone keeps mentioning food that has made them happy, and it's killing me, my bread and stew won't be ready for another two hours... *looks at watch*


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