Washington D.C.-London-Croatia-Bosnia & Herzegovina-Bulgaria, Part 1

Aug 31, 2013 23:59

So, just about a year ago I went on a massive trip to Europe with brief stopovers on the East Coast and in London, and I never made a post about it. So, I'm doing that now, or at least making a start. Because reasons. (Mostly, shame.)

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washington dc, london, europe 2012, epic adventuring, picspam

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Comments 10

burned_phoenix September 2 2013, 07:44:23 UTC
I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!! You're soo awesome! :D Amazing pics, looks like you had such a great time :)

Man, just looking at that photo from the London Eye down to the ground, gah, gives me goosebumps! We already decided against any cable car rides on Hawaii :D

Weirdly, the last two photos don't show for me, unless I copy the URL and open them in a separate window. Very weird.


zolac_no_miko September 2 2013, 08:00:22 UTC
:DDD I did have a great time, and we're not even to the really good part! Maybe I'll post some more tonight, if I finish my homework reading at at reasonable time.

Sooooooo no zip-lining or helicopter tours, huh? ;)

That is weird! They're working just fine for me. Maybe there was an error when the page loaded....


burned_phoenix September 2 2013, 08:23:23 UTC
Hehe, I'll look forward to it :) I'm glad to see you back here! Even seeing you post fic from a fandom I don't read made me excited the other day :D

Helicopter tours are ok, we manage to fly in a place, we can manage to fly in a helicopter *nods* :D eek, zip-lining... we'll see. My mom probably not, but I could probably be convinced :D I do want to bungee jump at some point, soooo... Yeah, I'm a walking contradiction :D

I tried refreshing the page and still the same for just those two pics. Don't know. I could see them though, so that's ok :)

*twirls you*


zolac_no_miko September 2 2013, 09:45:06 UTC
Yeah, I'm... kiiiiiiiiiinda here. I still check my Friends page daily, although I'm much more of a lurker. I definitely post less frequently, and less of the journal-type entries, more fic posts and memes. My psychological need to yell at the internet is mostly satisfied by Twitter these days.


hardboiledbaby September 2 2013, 21:43:06 UTC
Gorgeous! The DC pics brought back some memories, and the London pics made me want to make some *g* (although not all of them loaded for me. maybe too many in one post? I dunno, but after refreshing twice, I gave up. Most of them did load, however) Thanks for sharing!


zolac_no_miko September 2 2013, 22:08:53 UTC
Prior to this trip I'd been to DC once, when I was 10. I went to London when I was 14 for like a day and a half, this added another 11 hours of London for me. ...I need to go and spend actual multiple days in England sometime. London specifically and England in general are FAB.

Oh no! They're coming through for me okay, if slowly. This is why I'm posting photos from my trip in parts, it would've been impossible with the whole thing. I made all the photos smaller, too! ...burned_phoenix had trouble with the last two, she got around it by copying the image URL and opening in another window.


hardboiledbaby September 3 2013, 01:16:29 UTC
On the ones that don't load, all I get are the captions and the pic title; i.e., "DSCN0781" etc. If I right-click on the title I can "copy image location," but the resulting URL doesn't actually open the image. It's maybe a problem on my end? I dunno. But the majority did load, so I got the gist :)


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