I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 8/?]

Mar 03, 2013 23:01

Title: I'll Be Yours (A Love Story) [Ch 8/?]
Continuity: Comics!verse AU (mostly), based on post-Crisis continuity (mostly).
Rating: Very M.
This chapter-
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jason Todd, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon; hints of Dick/Barbara.
Word Count: 3318
Summary: Bruce had hoped for tonight to go ( Read more... )

batman, writey, i'll be yours, batfic, scary!timmy, fanfic

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Comments 8

larsinger29 March 7 2013, 03:58:51 UTC
I'm so glad to see this fic back! I had to re-read it all to refresh myself, and I had forgotten how crazy Tim was in this! Holy shit, that boy takes stalking to a whole new level!

You continue to do a wonderful job twisting canon through this filter. It's fascinating to read, and often carries a feeling of foreboding (especially where Timmy is concerned). The mood and pacing in this is excellent and really builds up the tension. And I love the way you delve into the characters and their actions, as you really bring to light some emotionally-rich feelings.

Fantastic job! Like I said, I'm so glad this is back! And I'm looking forward to seeing just where it goes next!


zolac_no_miko March 7 2013, 04:20:05 UTC
I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE STILL HERE! ♥ A lot of LJ has... sort of wandered off, and I was seriously concerned that, after a two year hiatus, no one would remember or care, and that would've made me sad. ;_; (Even if it's my own fault.)

BUT YOU'RE HERE, and there's a wee handful of people on AO3, so that's all that matters. TIMMY NEEDS WITNESSES OF THE PURITY AND PERFECTION OF HIS LOVE, OKAY??

Aaaaaahhh, thank you, you say such kind things! I'm glad to know it's still working for you.

I daren't make promises, but I'm really happy to be working on this story again, and I'm excited about the next chapter, so... here's hoping for an interval somewhat less than a couple of years!


larsinger29 March 7 2013, 16:34:47 UTC
I know what you mean. It seems like the band of us that used to run around in the Batman/DCU fandom has sorta of...vanished. I imagine part of that is real life stuff, but I also think the reboot has a lot to do with the situation. :o/

Timmy definitely needs witnesses to his madness! Because it's not that much of a stretch from what happened in canon. And it's a really interesting take on what occurred, and how it could be different with the added factor of Tim being very, very dark.

I totally understand about muses being fickle, so no pressure on continuing this story for whenever you can! I'll be just as excited, whenever it turns up, to see where you take things next! :o)


zolac_no_miko March 7 2013, 16:56:47 UTC
Yeah, it's entirely a combination of that for me. Like, I'm still lurking around the comms and I never stopped wanting to finish this story, but I haven't been devouring comics like I was before the reboot. I'm busily trying to pretend IT NEVER HAPPENED.

*flail* I KNOW, RIGHT?? Let's be real, canon Timmy was a tiny creeper. AND I LOVE THIS ABOUT HIM. And Scary!Timmy is, somewhat distressingly, not a huge leap.

I appreciate that. I never meant to neglect Timmy for so long, but I got distracted by a massive project in another fandom, and pencilling out time to sit and write is always a struggle for me. I do miss that about my extended daily bus commute.


ivy_b March 12 2013, 23:09:16 UTC
OMG you're continuing this????

Ouch, as much as I loved Jason's enthusiasm and desire to prove himself, I hurt for Dick here. Being replaced, not even told about it- poor guy.

Timmy, what are you up to? Can't wait to see where you take it, now that you're back!

I might go on over to read the next chapters on AO3, just FYI.


zolac_no_miko March 15 2013, 04:43:33 UTC
I'm not done! I'm only sorry I neglected my dearest Timmy for so long! T_T

Jay is precious and Bruce and Dick's issues are not his fault. But yeah... poor Dick, Jesus. The Post-Crisis genesis of Nightwing is a painful horrible time for him.

Hopefully it won't be too long until my next update. I am writing more frequently recently, but I'm splitting my attention between a few different projects. But I'm still excited about this story, and Timmy will not be denied!

That's fine, I always crosspost to make it as convenient as possible for everyone. I'll be happy to see you anywhere you show up!


klose July 28 2013, 02:04:11 UTC
I just caught up with this fic (delicious!), including the newest chapter, but I wanted to comment here because wow, this one hurt. I feel terrible on Dick's behalf -- and Bruce turning away from him like that, and Babs not telling him. Even Jason's rudeness -- all salt in the wound, and Dick of all people deserves none of it. D: And meanwhile stalker!Tim out there plotting too... definitely an intriguing entanglement here. :)


zolac_no_miko July 28 2013, 03:36:22 UTC
It hurts me too! ;_; This period of time in Dick's life in post-Crisis continuity is just SO SHITTY, I feel so bad for him! The details are a little different in canon but the general atmosphere is the same. I love Bruce, I do, but this is one of those times where I want to shake him and yell. And Dick doesn't deserve it, I love Dick, and this is just all so awful. ...It's a good thing, though, in the long run. Nightwing is a good thing for him, as is his independence.

I feel a bit bad for Jason, too. He's an impertinent twatwaffle, but he just so badly wants approval, mostly from Bruce, but from Babs too, and definitely from Dick. I mean, Dick is the first Robin. You know Jason's a fan. I mean, HE DYED HIS HAIR BLACK TO LOOK LIKE HIM. Sure, he plans to be an even better Robin than Dick ever was, but Dick is kind of always hovering at the edge of every conversation with Bruce and Alfred and Barbara, even if Bruce never actually talks about him. So you can bet he's a bit jealous, too. And the very first time they meet ( ... )


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