
Jul 18, 2012 14:45

So until we get our shit together to go back into the field next week, I am spending long office days doing boring, menial tasks like... data entry. Proofreading. Making copies. Mending mist nets ( Read more... )

argh, help me plz, job, podfic

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Comments 4

shinyget July 19 2012, 04:38:09 UTC
There's always the Rooster Teeth podcast. I find them entertaining to listen to. They help keep me awake at work,


regonym July 19 2012, 04:57:15 UTC
I've heard RadioLab usually has interesting stuff? Never listened to them an awful lot myself, personally, but apparently they do podcasts on different interesting topics every week.

As for podfics, hmmmm - I just listened to reena_jenkin's long podfics of gyzym's Ready Fire Aim series recently and they were quite good? (I don't know what fandoms you listen to podfic in, so this may be a little scatter-shot :<) Anything by FayJay is generally bound to be good. Lunchee and Dodificus are consistently stellar podficcers. Same goes for Juice817, although she's an exclusively J-Squared podficcer, so that may/may not be your cup of tea.

Also also - there's actually the yearly recs-fest, called Amplirecathon, going on right now at the amplificathon comms on LJ and DW! (I'd suggest checking out the amplirecathon 2012 tag, or previous years' recathons, too!) That's a great way to find new good ones that other folks have been listening to; I was checking out the posts today and there were oodles of ones that I'd never heard of. <3


shichahn July 19 2012, 11:26:16 UTC
What Manda said, x100. You know how hilarious the RT guys are.

Also, go over to Escape Pod. and download some of their short stories. They are a podcast that focuses solely on short form science fiction, and they are excellent. Use their tag system to select the Hugo nominees, in particular, if you want to hear some really good ones.

There is also This American Life and Science Friday over at NPR, of course.


kleine_aster July 19 2012, 13:31:34 UTC
Don't know any podfic, but if you like laughing at crappy movies, or listening to people riffing on them, I love both We Hate Movies and The Flophouse. They're free on iTunes. So is Comedy Bang Bang, a comedy podcast that can be really awesome depending on the guests. :)

Good luck with your tasks!


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