Jul 06, 2012 07:27

The dogs had another fight last night. I had to go out and break it up, and then I had to lock Belle in the bathroom so I could check on Molly... I assumed she'd come off the worst because this has happened before, and Belle is the one that is young and crazy and randomly attacks Molly, and Molly is old and stiff and can't really defend herself. ( Read more... )

raaaaaaaaage, fuck, animals, fuck my life, island life

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Comments 6

realpestilence July 7 2012, 02:23:21 UTC
If you have any hydrogen peroxide, that should work, too.


zolac_no_miko July 8 2012, 17:38:51 UTC
Yeah, I'm all stocked up on Betadine and hydrogen peroxide. I'm trying to get at the wound three times a day at least, but Molly doesn't like to let me near it (understandably) so I'm not getting it as thoroughly as I'd like to. But so far it's not smelling or looking badly infected, so I've got hopes it'll all be okay.


regonym July 7 2012, 03:06:51 UTC
DDDDDD: Augh, what the heck. I hope they stay better behaved for you for the rest of your tenure as pet-sitter...


zolac_no_miko July 8 2012, 17:42:17 UTC
They've already had another small fight and another big one. I've started making Belle wear the shock collar a lot of the time. Heard her try to start something last night, but she had the shock collar on so it didn't get far.

: \


gwalchmai345 July 8 2012, 10:32:17 UTC
Now that's the kind of adventure you really don't want to have while pet-sitting... :( I hope Belle will behave from now on until Dennis and Lisa get back! *hugs both Molly and you*


zolac_no_miko July 8 2012, 17:46:58 UTC
AUGH SERIOUSLY. THIS IS SO STRESSFUL. I've been in communication with Lisa, and she gave me some advice on how to keep Belle in hand. Her advice... helped a bit, I think, but didn't really stop the fights. So now I'm making Belle wear a shock collar any time I'm out of the room for an extended period of time. I think it's working? I heard her try to start a fight last night, but she didn't get far with the collar on.


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