Epic Fail, and other activities

Mar 30, 2009 01:32

So we didn't go to the Ok Go concert. It was sold out, woe. ;_; I had a feeling I should've looked into purchasing tickets ahead of time... it's extremely likely that it still would've been sold out, since we only found out it was happening a couple days in advance, but I would've saved myself a lot building up anticipation before the let down ( Read more... )

epic fail, ok go, living in the land of port

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Comments 4

b_c_draygon March 30 2009, 15:32:36 UTC
Aw, sorry to hear you missed your concert. But you got to go to a bookshop! Bookshops are always awesome. *nods*

Sounds like you had a really great weekend! Yay for successful fishing and huge, gorgeous houses, eh? :D I've only seen the original High School Musical, but even that was a bit too much cheese for me. (And I love cheesy movies! I do! But ... that particular franchise doesn't do it for me. *sadface*)

OMG Transporter and Transporter 2 are hilariously bad, aren't they? XD My dad and I watched them (a few months ago now) and we just laughed ourselves silly at them. I couldn't take it seriously, it was just too crap. But good for amusement, I think.

Good luck with the work!


zolac_no_miko March 31 2009, 01:53:41 UTC
They're pretty cheesy, yeah. And yet, somehow, so enthralling....

Oh god, it was just one long series of completely impossible, or at the very least very very very very very highly improbable occurrences. The part of my brain connected to reality just wouldn't shut off, I kept going, "That wouldn't happen, and that couldn't happen, and...." My friend Chris loves those movies, she keeps threatening to make me watch them all, and now I find the prospect even more frightening than I did before.


boko March 30 2009, 17:38:39 UTC
Aw, failsauce :/ Its ok though. It seems this last weekend was destined for a nice splatter of fail here and there. I too have experienced it- never did get to the book store due to 2 flat tires in 15 hours. God says nay.

And would that Cory be Cory-Cory? The sister that sniped my brother in the head? Awww, its been so long. Nice to hear of her again!

You know all the tales of awesomeness that is Portland is making me want to see it for myself. Seems everyone who leaves the islands makes a quick (or extended) stop in that area before moving back or on.


zolac_no_miko March 31 2009, 01:59:23 UTC
Two flats in 15? Holy crap! That's... pretty deus ex machina, yeah. Wow. @_@

Yes, that would the Cory, the one and only. She's visiting from Tacoma for a few days, her family's having a huge, semi-spontaneous get-together.

Well, you should come and see it for yourself! We have a couch with your name on it~! :DDD ...But yeah, Portland's a great town, I love it. It's a good place for Hawaii people... it's green, it's not too cold, there's lots of Asian food, people are friendly and helpful, and it's not too far away from the islands. And because of all these reasons, there are always tons of other Hawaii people around.


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