
May 24, 2012 09:53

So I was hungry, my body definitely wanted that ramen and that pocket sandwich and those frozen blueberries, but my stomach wasn't too happy with me for eating. Watched X-Men: First Class and The Wrestler and tried to will my stomach not to explode ( Read more... )

fml, movies, sick

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Comments 8

cattraine May 24 2012, 22:22:29 UTC
No! No IT IS NOT! *honk* LOL


zolac_no_miko May 25 2012, 01:11:57 UTC
Hey, and how are you feeling, btw? I noticed your sick!posts, but hadn't had the time (and later, the energy) to comment.


cattraine May 25 2012, 01:19:35 UTC
Head slushy. I think the cold is trying to migrate!


zolac_no_miko May 25 2012, 01:25:00 UTC
Oh god, is this one of those things that lingers for two weeks and just slowly migrates to different parts of your body? I hate those!

*sympathetic plague-ridden brofist*


apple_pathways May 25 2012, 02:20:49 UTC
That icon is ADORABLE! What's it from?

oh, and feel better! Damn, probably should have said that first... :P


zolac_no_miko May 25 2012, 02:43:03 UTC
Oh my gaaaaaaaaawwwdd, it's a movie called The Fall and if you haven't seen it yet you must you must YOU MUST, RIGHT AWAY. I am positive you will love it, because... idk, you seem like you would and also IT IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PERFECT MOVIES EVER MADE OH MY GOD. Definitely the best film of 2006, imo... critics seem to be split on the issue but THOSE NAYSAYERS ARE CLEARLY CONFUSED. Tarsem Singh directs and co-writes and Lee Pace is in it and if you don't know why you should be excited about these things... I can fix that for you? (Actually, this movie is probably the #1 reason to be excited about Tarsem Singh, anyway.) And I don't know where they found Catinca Untaru (the little girl kissing Lee Pace on the forehead in my icon) but she is THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE GIRL ON THE PLANET.

Oh god I could geek out about The Fall forever, YOU MUST WATCH IT SO WE CAN GEEK OUT TOGETHER. ...Here, have another icon from The Fall, I have a few, I'd have more if my icon allowance was infinite ( ... )


ava_jamison May 25 2012, 14:26:44 UTC
Aw! I hope you feel better very soon! By now, even! And wow, I just read about the trip you missed. Wowza! It does sound cursed!


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