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Comments 14

look_alive January 16 2012, 21:56:57 UTC
I'm with you on the body double thing. Like, it's a little too perfect not to line up, but I'm sure we're missing things. I feel like I need to rewatch like, a half dozen times or so to pick stuff up. Proud of myself for figuring out the binary finger ticks, though EVEN IF THEY WERE A RED HERRING I DON'T CAAAARE.

ALSO. And I know this could be so painfully wrong, but. What are the odds Moriarty is ACTUALLY dead? I just keep thinking like, if Sherlock can, Moriarty certainly can, and I have all these harebrained theories running through my head about fake pistols, exploding blood packs and god knows what else, but. But. Yeah. And the whole fake life as an actor thing kind of boosts credence on that, too. (Also I really REALLY don't want him to be dead. REALLY.)


zolac_no_miko January 16 2012, 22:11:26 UTC
Totally valid for you to be proud of yourself for figuring out the binary thing, I mean obviously the finger ticks were important but binary would never have occurred to me.

I've thought about Jim faking his death and obviously I REALLY REALLY WANT IT TO BE TRUE, but I don't think he'd be able to fool Sherlock with him watching right there, also killing himself to be a perverse dick is so something he would do, also they've been following canon closely enough that I can't see them not killing Moriarty off there, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT ME SOME MORE JIM, ALL OF THE TIME JIM EVERYWHERE but I really do think he's gone. ;_;


look_alive January 16 2012, 22:23:18 UTC
Joe used to write me [very short] notes in binary. And it was either that or morse, and they'd just used morse (or not really) in Baskervilles, so I assumed it'd be something new.

Oh, okay, see I have basically no idea of canon. The only Sherlock Holmes I was exposed to before this (Guy Ritchie aside) was Wishbone when I was a kid, and that was Baskervilles. This shit is all new to me. GODDDDDDD I JUST WANT MOOOOORE, THOUGH. MOOOOOOOORE!!!! MORE MORIARTYYYYYYY. /flop


zolac_no_miko January 16 2012, 23:02:45 UTC
"The Final Problem" was ACD's attempt to kill off Sherlock Holmes so he could go back to writing higher literature. He introduces Professor James Moriarty as Holmes' opposite and equal, and their conflict ends with the two of them struggling on a ledge above the Reichenbach Falls and tumbling to their deaths in the gorge below. ACD wasn't quite expecting the extent to which his fans just WOULD NOT SHUT UP and eventually he gave in to the pressure, writing "The Hound of the Baskervilles" (set before "The Final Problem"), and then resurrecting Holmes in "The Adventure of the Empty House", where he retconned it so that Holmes defeated Moriarty with his canon bad-ass baritsu martial arts skills, and then faked his death to protect himself from Moriarty's confederates; there were enough gaps in the eyewitness accounts in "The Final Problem" that he was able to get away with this... nobody actually saw the struggle and fall.

So yeah, with the ep named "The Reichenbach Fall", I knew what was coming and I was EXCITED because I didn't know ( ... )


sirona_gs January 17 2012, 00:24:14 UTC
I've just read a whole bunch of theories in this post at sherlockbbc, and this one seems to be the most plausable to me. It explains the fall and ties in quite a few loose ends nicely. OF COURSE, I WILL PROBABLY BE MOFFAT-ED SHORTLY. Either that or it has to do with the manikin hanging by his neck in their flat. HMMMMM.


zolac_no_miko January 17 2012, 02:18:56 UTC
*brb researching*

OH SNAP I didn't realize it was possible to stop your pulse with a rubber ball in your armpit, THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, yeahno, never mind, body double is a bust, but that truck is still totally involved.


evilhippo January 17 2012, 03:12:46 UTC
I totally did not just dig a rubber ball out of my random junk box to confirm this... (I tried using google, but 1) empirical evidence! and 2) almost every result for "faking death rubber ball armpit" is Sherlock speculation.)


zolac_no_miko January 17 2012, 08:19:39 UTC
I should've known I could depend on you to actually try! (I thought about it, but I figured I'd spent enough time to day dicking around with Sherlock conjecture instead of yardwork or anything else I needed to be doing.)

Hahaha I got different search results, but I used different search terms. I was half expecting to have your same problem, though.


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