I'm all for eating fish, but who couldn't share with a face like that? What kind of fisherman? Is it okay if I get a spear or something and just shadow a monk seal, glaring menacingly at anyone who looks at it sideways? And then after I've built up some trust, maybe it'd let me give it a hug?
Obviously I agree with you (as do many of the fishermen), but the issues are pretty complicated. Moloka'i, where some of the killings occurred, is a very impoverished island, and subsistance hunting and fishing is a significant part of people's livelihood. Also, until recently, there haven't been seals in the main Hawaiian islands for over a century, so a lot of old-timers who didn't grow up seeing them are spreading the erroneous story that they don't belong here. The seals have learned to steal fish off of fishermen's hooks, compounding their ire, and they can be dangerously aggressive... the seals don't really compete significantly for species that people like to eat, though; when doing their own hunting, they go for easy-to-catch species like octopoda, squid, and crabs.
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