If it's worth doing....

Sep 18, 2012 20:24

One of my friends and I have a saying....

If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing.

I saw the notice from Harper Voyager stating they will be accepting unsolicited manuscripts from Oct 1 - 14

and I thought, hey! I'm already totally not busy with a full time job, music lessons, and other general comittments, WHY DON'T I WRITE A BOOK IN A MONTH?? * ( Read more... )

status update, writing is hard!

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Comments 22

locknkey September 19 2012, 03:57:17 UTC
I'm doing the same. I really want to get something in.


zoemathemata September 19 2012, 04:00:28 UTC

Seriously, if you need to chat, vent or sob, my email is

I spent 20 min surfing the net tonight and the GUILT.


locknkey September 19 2012, 04:14:22 UTC
I'm still trying to decide what I want to write. :( I have to finish my S/D mini and Kamikaze, but otherwise nose to grindstone. I decided to write about 2500 of my other idea and get feedback on them both.

Do you have something in mind?

I'm loolookittydee @ gmail.com. We should see if we can manage some scheduled war/sprint times. I know that helps me.


popkin16 September 19 2012, 04:23:08 UTC
GOOD LUCK, BB. You totally got this.

I must confess I'm relieved the John/Rodney fic is still part of the plan...eventually.


zoemathemata September 19 2012, 12:22:21 UTC
If you're desperate for John/Rodney, I could always tease you with a snippet. mwhahahaha.

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I need it!


popkin16 September 20 2012, 02:55:53 UTC
Oh my god, that's evil! I'm torn between getting on my metaphysical knees and going PLEASE PLEASE POST A SNIPPET while at the same time going, "Self, you know what it'll do to you! Don't do that to yourself!"

So...if you were serious about that snippet, and it won't be too much trouble, I'd love that...


zoemathemata September 20 2012, 03:42:01 UTC
OMG, I waffled over this so much! I was like Hmmmm, should I post the beginning? or this bit here? Or THIS bit HERE? haha, indecisive writer is indecisive ( ... )


hipokras September 19 2012, 05:57:42 UTC
Oh my god. What are the chances? Incredible, actually, because I know of only three people in toto who know about this, let alone want to do it.

I seriously, seriously want to do this, but I'm not sure if it's open to writers outside the U.K., U.S. or Australia lol.

Do you know what you want to write? Or is it the case of the ten million equally awesome-looking plot bunnies?


zoemathemata September 19 2012, 12:21:30 UTC
I didn't see anything excluding writers outside the three countries. I'm in Canada, so I briefly checked the rules and it didn't pop out at me.
But! I figure if it does end up excluding me, it's been far too long since I worked on original fic.

I do have an idea. I have an original fic languishing on my computer. I've got a shit ton of words but i haven't worked on it it in YEARS so I really want to re-write because I think my writing has grown over the years (at least, I HOPE SO).

So I'm working on a book about a coven of witches.


ETA if you want to email I'm zoemathemata@live.ca


hipokras September 19 2012, 16:46:00 UTC
Ooh cool :) I think I'm just madly paranoid lol

Oooh shit ton of words is going to make things so helpful :D Even if you must (necessarily) re-write, at least you don't have to start from scratch in too little time... right? Do have the ending written already?

And a coven sounds interesting. Not least because of Supernatural.

Idek what I'm going to do: I have this idea involving fairytale inversions, but I'm not sure if it's what HV's actually looking for D:

My e-mail's all.sotto.voce@gmail.com, and ping me any time too to brainstorm/edit/flail/rant/anything you need :)



zoemathemata September 20 2012, 02:27:26 UTC
Sent an email! Hope you had a good day and it was productive!


scintilla10 September 20 2012, 02:53:47 UTC
Oh wow, what an amazing opportunity. Go you!


zoemathemata September 20 2012, 03:45:27 UTC
Thanks! I'm gonna try my best!


tonicollins September 23 2012, 00:33:00 UTC
Good luck! Um, there doesn't happen to be anything you could er, alter to fit the mainstream? *g* just sayin' - it's not unheard of.


zoemathemata September 23 2012, 00:57:55 UTC
Thanks! I did think about it. The only thing I have that's long enough would be Dark Shadows and I'm just.... I know it might sound crazy but that's Dean and Cas' story! If I changed out their names, I don't know that it would work! Plus it's 'liberated' from Dark Shadows as well and that was just making my brain hurt thinking about it!

I have this original fic I've been messing around with since 1996 (oh, yes. you read that right!) so I have the characters and most of the plot. It just needs to be reworked. I'm almost 1/4 of the way already!


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