I need a drink

Aug 12, 2012 15:59

Deancasbigbang draft submitted ( Read more... )

fanfic is ruining my life, writing is hard!, deancasbigbang

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Comments 17

morganoconner August 12 2012, 22:43:43 UTC
YAYYYYYY congrats on finishing bb, that's awesome! :D

*waits impatiently for Sterek porn*



zoemathemata August 13 2012, 00:59:49 UTC
Haha, thanks!
Weeeellll I actually don't know how much porn there will be. I saw a prompt at the kink meme and it kind of 'spoke' to me but IDK if it will be porn-y now that I think about it.

But there will be stop_drop_howl!


popkin16 August 12 2012, 23:18:51 UTC
You write Dean/Cas too? How are you so amazing?

Yesssss, John/Rodney!

... )


zoemathemata August 13 2012, 01:01:07 UTC
Oh, Dhewlett! Look at your FACE!! \o/

Dean/Cas was my first ship! I didn't even know what a ship was until a friend introduced me to LJ. and I was like "What do you mean 'slash'?"

Sigh, the innocence. LMAO


popkin16 August 13 2012, 01:09:31 UTC
He's so happy/excited, like I am :D

Haha, you look back now and just shake your head. My first fandom was Harry Potter, and I remember skipping over any slashy scenes in fic. It's kind of amazing how things change, isn't it? I love that you immediately jumped into slash, though.


zoemathemata August 13 2012, 02:17:53 UTC
Well, as soon as I figured out what fanfic was I realized I'd already written it! with horrible Mary Sues when I was in highschool for (wait for it)

Star Trek TNG and seaQuest.



sarehkert August 12 2012, 23:56:19 UTC
Congrats on you finishing! Look forward to John/Rodney :D


zoemathemata August 13 2012, 01:01:38 UTC
Thanks! I'm about 17000 words in on the story I started for the Atlantis Big Bang. Im going to see how much I can get done before drafts are due!


dante_s_hell August 13 2012, 01:56:00 UTC
You write Atlantis fic? I just got into that fandom (yes, a little late, I know). Need stories! John/Rodney, John/Ronon, team fic, whatever.

You're awesome!


zoemathemata August 13 2012, 02:05:32 UTC
I too got into SGA fic late - only after the show was cancelled. It's a GREAT fandom! I love it ( ... )


dante_s_hell August 13 2012, 03:08:36 UTC
Thank you so much for the recs! I look forward to reading them.


popkin16 August 13 2012, 02:54:46 UTC
Hi! I know you don't know me, but I saw you asking for recs, and some time ago I did a 125 Things rec list - 98% of which is John/Rodney.


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