Jul 27, 2006 08:52
Thursday July 27, 2006
"Regret is an appalling waste of energy. You can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in."
- Katherine Mansfield
Jul 25, 2006 08:46
Tuesday July 25, 2006
"There is only one way for you to live without grief in your lifetime: that is to exist without love. Your grief represents your humanness, just as your love does."
- Carol Standarcher
Jul 20, 2006 08:30
Thursday July 20, 2006
"Talents are common; everyone has them. But rare is the courage to follow our talents where they lead."
- Anonymous
Jul 07, 2006 10:06
froufrou (FROO-froo) noun
1. Something fancy, elaborate, and showy.
2. A rustling sound, as of a silk dress.
Jun 22, 2006 19:08
1. himbo (HIM.boh) n.
A man who is good-looking, but unintelligent or superficial.
2. himbo
The male version of a bimbo, whore, or slut.
He's such a himbo that he'd sleep with anything that has, or had, a pulse.
3. himbo
The male version of a bimbo.
He's hot but the conversation goes nowhere as he is a total himbo.
Jun 22, 2006 14:55
Thursday June 22, 2006
"Never be afraid to step out into the unknown, into the new."
- Eileen Caddy