
Apr 10, 2011 11:59

A soft, warm breeze rustles the leaves. Lush greenery blankets the landscape. There's a gentle calmness that settles over you. Peaceful. You've reached the main temple of Zodion: Meridian. The temple sits directly north of the city center. In fact, there is a beaten path from the temple to the city-crossing the main body of water and down into the valley.

Monthly, this is where characters journey to have their tattoo scanned for proof of their worship. (ICly that is the explanation; OOCly it is activity check time.) Of course, they are free to come and go as they please since this is a public temple. This is a holy, sacred ground and powers are deactivated upon crossing the barrier.

For now, the temple structure will remain unharmed. Any damage will be automatically repaired in an instant and your character punished for causing harm to something holy. This will be subject to change after three months. More information on this can be found in the FAQs. ( If you would like to stage some sort of revolt and/or cause damage to Meridian, contact the mods: zodionmods(@)gmail.com!! )

From one moment to the next, in the blink of an eye, a single step or on waking from sleep, your character is suddenly in Zodion. How exactly they arrived, they might never know, but when their eyes open once again they will be find themselves in a circle outside of the main temple, magically shielded from all harm. This is the Luminar.

In the very center of the Luminar, a stone altar juts proudly from the ground. Several feet away, a perfect circle no more than three inches wide of the most crystalline water ever seen rings the altar. And upon this stone, a small box rests, glowing softly, it's pull irresistibly beckoning your character closer.

The second your character steps over the shallow pool, a small pain will throb from somewhere on their person and the waters will rise up around them, a perfect 360° mirror of truth. In it, no matter where they look, their reflection will be nude and in that exact spot where they felt that tiny stab of pain, their reflection will glow with a mark, a perfect tattoo of their sign. The Twelve want the characters to know they are marked, not as a sign of ownership, but as a sign of allegiance, protection. Power.

The underground caverns located underneath Meridian. Synodic is only accessible to those who are ready. A forceful entry cannot be gained. This is the place the characters go when the player is on hiatus and not putting them on auto-pilot. The characters will fall into a trance and travel to Meridian. Once there, they will follow the path known only to those who fall in this trance to the underground cavern. Once there, they will be in a deep slumber or heavy meditation and cannot be disturbed. When the hiatus is over, your character will wake up and feel completely refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to get back into action.

air temple: gliese
Located directly west of Meridian and north-west of the city center is the air temple: Gliese. This temple floats above the landscape and is unable to be reached by anyone. It's seemingly protected by a barrier and is untouchable, however, should a character travel in the direction of the air temple, they will still be able to see it from the ground. It is the home of: Hydrokhóos (Aquarius), Didymoe (Gemini) and Zygós (Libra).

More information will be provided ICly and OOCly at a later date.

earth temple: spica
Located directly east of Meridian and north-east of the city center is the earth temple: Spica. This temple sits atop a small mountain and is unable to be reached by anyone. It's seemingly protected by a barrier and is untouchable, however, should a character travel in the direction of the earth temple, they will still be able to see it but can't cross over the barrier. It is the home of: Aegókerōs (Capricorn), Tauros (Taurus) and Parthénos (Virgo).

More information will be provided ICly and OOCly at a later date.

fire temple: denebola
Located directly south-west of both Meridian the city center is the fire temple: Denibola. This temple is nestled in the side of a small mountain, complete with a deep, large fire pit in the center of the buildings. It is unable to be reached by anyone. It's seemingly protected by a barrier and is untouchable, however, should a character travel in the direction of the fire temple, they will still be able to see it but can't cross over the barrier. It is the home of: Kriós (Aries), Léōn (Leo) and Toxótēs (Sagittarius).

More information will be provided ICly and OOCly at a later date.

water temple: asellus
Located directly south-east of both Meridian the city center is the water temple: Asellus. This temple is completely submerged in the water. It is definitely unable to be reached by anyone. Should a character travel in the direction of the water temple, they will not see it, yet will be stopped by a barrier. It is the home of: Karkinos (Cancer), Ikhthyes (Pisces) and Skorpiós (Scorpio).

More information will be provided ICly and OOCly at a later date.


@ elements: fire, @ elements: water, ! temples, ! locations, @ elements: earth, @ elements: air

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