(oo2) (video) ♐ lord i've gotta keep moving where i can't be found

Jul 26, 2011 18:51

Damn, you don't think they coulda put on the brochure how uptight the docs around here can be? I'm itching to get discharged and I've only been here, what, a week? I'm a big girl, tie my own shoes and everything. So, just show me who I've gotta talk to so I can get discharged, and I'm out ( Read more... )

faith lehane

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[action] watcherless August 2 2011, 22:41:14 UTC
[ Shit ( ... )


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 22:04:49 UTC
[ She folds her arms over her chest and assesses him with a critical eye. ]

... You're telling me you finally got bored after a century or two of making innocent people your bitch, and you just hiked your ass to some trials and asked to get a soul shoved up your keester?


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 22:30:29 UTC
Well actually it was-- you know what? Never mind.

[Spike waves a hand.]

Yeah. Nothin' to do one Saturday night, went to Africa to get my soul back. Good times. Oh, an' then I saved the world.

[Why yes, he is capable of being smug about this at this point.]


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 23:22:19 UTC
Didn't know they manufactured the things in Africa. But, hey, the more you know, right? [ She blinks too long, cringing a little as she tries to keep on her feet. ] Damn. Wish you'd a told me that ten minutes ago.


[action] idolstolemylook August 3 2011, 23:24:13 UTC
I would have, but you were to busy bein' righteous.

[He shrugs his shoulders back.]

C'mon, then. Shouldn't have let you get out of bed, I s'pose.


[action] watcherless August 3 2011, 23:31:21 UTC
Like hell. [ Stubborn Faith is stubborn. ] No way you're getting me back in there. You wanna help? Tell me where I can find a nice, cheap motel to crash til I figure this place out.

Besides. [ A beat -- she shrugs, looking amused. ] I'm thinkin' righteous is a good look for me.


[action] idolstolemylook August 4 2011, 06:35:47 UTC
[Spike eyes her up and down.]

You've looked better. [He smirks.] But you're still several notches above most. Right, then. Can't blame you for wanting to bust out. Place seems to want to provide for us, so you should have some sort of flat already made up.


[action] watcherless August 4 2011, 07:44:15 UTC
[ At the remark about her being several notches above most, she just kinda smirks. ] Tell me about it. [ What can she say? She takes a compliment well. The smirk drops away into a more serious look. ] Been a lot of places, and I've still never been in a town that dishes out the beds free of charge. What's the catch?


[action] idolstolemylook August 4 2011, 17:00:53 UTC
[Spike cocks his head, a suspicious smirk playing about his mouth.]

No one told you yet, then? About the sex-factory they got set up here?


[action] watcherless August 5 2011, 00:07:08 UTC
Guess it got left outta the brochure amidst just about everybody whining about how I needed to keep my feet up.


[action] idolstolemylook August 5 2011, 02:15:27 UTC
Not the only position you'll be needin'. There's some sort of delusional god-creatures running the place, and they call it "worship." Basically the nasty, every month or so. Or anyway that's what it looks like the pattern is.

[He frowns slightly--this isn't the Faith he knew in Sunnydale these last days, and his feelings about even that one are mixed. But she's still one of their own.]

Look, you'd best come back to our place.


[action] watcherless August 5 2011, 11:16:37 UTC
Oh, I gotcha. Give me the spiel, invite me back to your place for some "worship." Hate to break it to you, Vanilla Ice, but you got the wrong Slayer. B's the one that's all up in the undead, and last I checked, she was workin' the army brat.


[action] idolstolemylook August 5 2011, 17:04:56 UTC
[Spike rolls his eyes, fighting down all the history that Faith is so blithely steamrolling over.]

Don't get your knickers in a twist, sweetheart. Lot's changed since last you checked, I've got no interest in your snooty little arse, an' you did not just compare me to a bloody rapper. Let me break this down: 'm livin' with Buffy, I'll take you there, an' you two can get this sorted however you like.

[He pauses and the possibilities do suggest themselves. Now that was a sorting he'd pay to see...]


[action] watcherless August 5 2011, 20:58:47 UTC
Fine. We go chat it up with B, figure things out. [ A pause, and then she has to let herself be offended for just a second because HEY. No one has ever called her snooty before in the long list of things she's been called. ]

And, just so we're clear, there ain't a guy alive that wouldn't pay to get with this. Say what you want. [ A beat. Oh, right, he's undead. Thoughtful. ] Which, I guess means the record's still good to go, all things considered.

So, where's this place of yours exactly?


[action] idolstolemylook August 6 2011, 08:02:15 UTC
[Spike rolls his eyes. He doesn't dislike Faith--he's just not very patient.]

Blokes would pay for a lot of things. Never struck me as a mark of quality. [He eyes her again.] Anything worth havin's worth getting the hard way. Or, you know... stealing. Anyway, it's this way.

[He nods in the direction of the flat, and starts off, coat flapping about his legs.]


[action] watcherless August 7 2011, 06:16:23 UTC
[ She follows after him, glancing around to check out the scenery. There's an unabashed interest there, because hey, she's been stuck in a hospital room the whole time. Not like she got the grand tour. ]

How come B's got you living with her, anyway?


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