TV High school

Aug 06, 2014 12:49

I've finally caved to the wishes of my friends and watched Glee for a bit. What never fails to get my attention is how different TV high school looks comparing to real life high school. They always chose people that are too good looking for that age-range and most of the time don't act like real high schoolers at all ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

velvetwhip August 6 2014, 18:28:16 UTC
I went to an all-girl's private school, so absolutely no high school on TV has any relationship to high school as I knew it. Except for one thing - no high school in California is as all white as they show on TV. I was stunned when there were NO Hispanic students at Sunnydale High. Really? In California?



zodiac_sign August 7 2014, 10:06:59 UTC
I never thought about that but that's actually very true (and a little bit racist, maybe.)

An all-girl's private school must have been pretty rough sometimes what with no cute boys and sometimes catty girls?


shannon730 August 7 2014, 02:57:50 UTC
Well, it's been over twenty years since I was in high school so maybe it's changed...well it has changed and not for the better. The problem is that it's people my age writing about people your age and they no longer have a clue what it's like to be your age., because you guys live in a completely different world than we did at sixteen ( ... )


zodiac_sign August 7 2014, 10:16:56 UTC
Very true, in TV land everything is populated with pretty people. But I think they're starting to try and break that mould.

What kind of school did it have to be in Smallville?

And as for Glee I don't watch the whole episode because that's a little bit too much singing for my taste and not enough plot. Although sometimes it's pretty funny. Usually when Puck says something, or I look at his hair :P He may not exactly look like sixteen but I think he got that petulant man-child-teenager thing down pat. And he is sort of cute.

Do you like Glee, because I've read that the show took a bit of a nose dive and is now a bit soap opera-y?


shannon730 August 7 2014, 18:42:28 UTC
I liked Glee in the beginning, well maybe the middle, I didn't like the first season. Now it's a bit too contrived even for Glee. But I like it for what it is, just ridiculous escapism television. It's bad TV and always will be. As I said they can't follow a plot through to save their lives. But yes, the last couple seasons being part in Ohio ans part in New York have been bad. The new students sucked, they're fine now though and it's back to what's left of the original cast...which includes very little of who I liked. I'm just a masochist and will watch until the end or there are too many shows in that time slot for me to record it.

And what I meant about Smallville is that they were more concerned with casting pretty people and writing the "superman" story, or what they were passing as the superman story, than they were about any high school realism.


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