Musings about life

Jul 05, 2014 21:13

Have you ever had the feeling that you were "destined" for greatness but just found out you're just average and like everybody else? You have no extraordinary talent or gift. I don't want to be an regular from nine to five Joe. I don't what to be a superstar either because I know that's not always about roses and sunshine. But at least they do ( Read more... )


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Comments 3

velvetwhip July 5 2014, 19:37:54 UTC
*hugs you*

I wish I had answers for you. But I do know that you're young and you'll find your way to show your special self, you will.

*more hugs*



shannon730 July 7 2014, 19:59:13 UTC
Hugs, I'm sorry you're feeling so depressed over this right now. But what you're feeling is basically just becoming an adult. It sucks. But it gets better it just hits really hard at first. :(


zodiac_sign July 8 2014, 13:00:03 UTC
Thanks, you guys! I'm better now, I just had a little bit of a bleak moment.


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