долго собирался написать ответ LiveJournal Team, наконец собрался. Глядишь вынут нас из этого СУПа. А то скоро разваримся совсем. :-)
текстик вышел длинный, но надеюсь внятный. В любом случае - под кат.
Dear LiveJournal Team,
first of all - yes, I still wish to opt out from all this SUP-Services.
If you want to hear some reasons, I put here a few, if no - simply don't read it, let's say, I had my fun writing it ;-)
1. Wrong assumption.
Let's take a look. You wrote: if you mainly post in Russian (YES), have identified yourself as living in Russia (NO) or the former Soviet Union (NO) or are located (determined by your IP address) in Russia (NO) or the former Soviet Union (NO).
Just open my user profile and you will see it - I live in Düsseldorf, Germany. Besides of the fact, I post in Russian, everything else is wrong. Don't you think, your selection criteria are not really effective? I don't have Yandex.Money account and I can't imagine, what russian-based services could be really usable for me.
2. Increased speed of the site.
Well, now it gets more technical. Let's trace it. ;-)
>tracert livejournal.com
Tracing route to livejournal.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (my internal router IP)
2 58 ms 57 ms 58 ms ar2.ffm.terralink.de []
3 58 ms 58 ms 57 ms ge-0-1.cr2.ffm.terralink.de []
4 72 ms 69 ms 71 ms ge-0-1.cr2.hmb.terralink.de []
5 71 ms 70 ms 70 ms terralink.HAM-4-eth0-121.de.lambdanet.net []
6 95 ms 77 ms 78 ms DUS-2-pos300.de.lambdanet.net []
7 80 ms 78 ms 79 ms DUS-1-pos200.de.lambdanet.net []
8 81 ms 82 ms 82 ms FRA-1-eth100.de.lambdanet.net []
9 82 ms 80 ms 82 ms ge-5-3-0.ar2.FRA3.gblx.net []
10 247 ms 245 ms 246 ms SIX-APART-LTD.ae0.402.ar2.PAO2.gblx.net []
11 247 ms 247 ms 246 ms v101-sf-core2.sixapart.com []
12 246 ms 246 ms 245 ms livejournal.com []
Trace complete.
12 hops - and I'm there. Directly from Germany to USA without any roundtrips. Now let's take a look at SUP.
>tracert sup.com
Tracing route to sup.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (my internal router IP)
2 58 ms 57 ms 58 ms ar2.ffm.terralink.de []
3 188 ms 224 ms 138 ms ge-0-1.cr2.ffm.terralink.de []
4 68 ms 69 ms 68 ms ge-0-1.cr2.hmb.terralink.de []
5 71 ms 71 ms 71 ms terralink.HAM-4-eth0-121.de.lambdanet.net []
6 78 ms 79 ms 79 ms DUS-2-pos120.de.lambdanet.net []
7 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms DUS-1-pos010.de.lambdanet.net []
8 91 ms 88 ms 89 ms LON-2-pos010.uk.lambdanet.net []
9 93 ms 95 ms 94 ms r12-Fe4-0-0.Ldn-KQ4.UK.KPNQwest.net []
10 161 ms 248 ms 160 ms
11 159 ms 153 ms 159 ms
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
(skiped - same 'Request timed out' up to 30)
Trace complete.
Well... First of all, bad news - the request got lost after 11 hops. Good news - is a russian provider, so let's hope, he will do his job and route it, when SUP really starts its services. But bad news are - hey guys, we went through England! Isn't it crazy? If you put it to a map you'll see - we needed to go north-east, but we went to the west first, made a zigzag and than went to north-east, to Russia.
And by the way - we only reached SUP, so I probably have got stuff like userpics, but all the texts still need to be taken from LiveJournal.com. I cannot test, how many hops does it take from sup.com, let's say they are my 12. So my request goes through at least 23 hops.
Do you still think, I get better speed through SUP?
3. The whole procedure.
I live long enough in West Europe to know - if any company wants to propose some new services to its customers, it prepares the services first and then makes some advertisement, asks the customers, if they really want to be switched to the new services. A typical russian way is - we do know, that it's better for the customers, so they will be switched. Bang! If somebody don't like it - he can go!
Hey guys! We are not kids, you cannot decide what is better for us. Ask!
I'm really satisfied with the services of LiveJournal and don't need something else. But the most funny thing is - it's still unknown, what additional services SUP can propose. They talk about it the last half of the year and there is still nothing, what they could show. Strange, no? Not really. It's typical for russian companies again - talk much, give lot of promises, do - little.
OK, the text became really very long. May be it helps you somehow. :-)
And hey, if you get a partner, who wants to propose some additional services for German- or West-European-based users, you can send me an information about it. Who knows, may be it will be interesting for me. ;-)
забавнее всего конечно результаты трассировки. Я конечно понимаю, что никто не обязывает провайдеров отвечать на трейс. Более того, некоторые его умышленно запрещают, опасаясь атак. Но все-таки это как-то очень симптоматично, что даже трейс в СУП не прошел. ОК, ок, если покопаться в whois, то можно выяснить, что у них еще есть днс-2 и к этому серверу трейс идет. Правда тоже через Англию! :-)