[Takes place after Day One of the Great Reshelving, yet to be written]The teakettle was screaming, it was a toss-up as to whether the stuff in the oven or the stuff on the stove would burn first, the apartment looked like a laundry basket and a bookbin had waged a messy and casualty-heavy war, her cellphone was ringing, and Alan Shore was at
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"Zippy," he greeted, smile cheerful, cheeks still rosy from the cold. "I'd offer to come back in ten minutes, but as you can see..."
By turns terrified, disbelieving, and completely and utterly at ease.
He shrugged--as though that answered the question--and turned his attention to her shiny new tea flask.
"Phallic." Eyebrows raised, smirk lurking behind his lips like an actor impatient for his curtain call, Alan studied the thermos. "I suppose I can see it," he allowed, after a good thirty seconds had elapsed.
She let his pleading-the-Fifth go, also absorbed in her new present. Uncapping the lid, peering inside, sniffing the thermos' interior.
"It's as phallic as an Apollo rocket," she said, mostly into the thermos. "If you can't see it it's probably because it's put out your eye."
The thermos was recapped and set back down, so that she could take a sip of her own tea. "Thank you for my present, Alan."
"Mmm. My pleasure," he said, swallowing. "Think of me whenever you raise it to your lips."
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