Title: Five Things the SGC IT Department Knows That Nobody Knows They Know (SG1/SGU)
Rating: G
Category: Gen, humor
Spoilers: small ones for SGU's Sabotage
Word count: ~1700
Summary: The SGC holds many secrets. There's only one department that knows most of them.
A/N: My dear
mrspollifax , you deserve far more than this humble offering for all your behind-the-
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Comments 19
Ha ha ha ha! So much fun.
And if O'Neill winning a game or two of World of Warcraft kept his hands off Major Carter's hardware
HAHAHAHAHA! You totally did that on purpose. You did!
Love it! And you are fabulous as always! Thank you for the lovely birthday present. *squishes*
(Edit: That was really not supposed to be a reply to your comment, Aurora, sorry! Obviously I was too excited. *g*)
HAHAHAHAHA! You totally did that on purpose. You did!
I have no idea what you're talking about. *g*
I'm so happy you liked it - do you know how hard it is to write something and not send it to you right away, going 'hey, what do you think of this?'. lol.
*hugs* I'm glad you had a good birthday too.
I bet Vala would have made a killing with e-Bay, if only she could figure out how to ship it all.
(and thanks for the rec! :)
And of course Dr. Lee would only be comfortable sharing his fanfic with the anonymity of the internet. Now I want to know. Did he also write one or more of the fifteen Bill Nye the Science Guy fics currently on ff.net? (see icon)
Thank you very much.
Did he also write one or more of the fifteen Bill Nye the Science Guy fics currently on ff.net? (see icon)
Oh no. Those were written by Joe Spencer, the barber from Indiana. After he reunited with his wife (with a promise to lay off the Stargate obsession), he tried his hand at an original novel, with little success. It seems that Martin Lloyd got word of a book being considered that bore more than a passing resemblance to a certain television show that he was producing and tried to sue the pants off Joe. Mr. Spencer has since found his comfort niche with RPF, though he doesn't quite understand why his Bill Nye/Neil deGrasse Tyson romance didn't get the hits that a lot of that 'bandom' fic does.
he doesn't quite understand why his Bill Nye/Neil deGrasse Tyson romance didn't get the hits that a lot of that 'bandom' fic does.
Having read over some of the pairings and key words for Porn Battle, this one really had me wiping my streaming eyes. Poor old Joe will always be a bubble off of plumb, won't he?
(For that matter, so will O'Neill, but he makes it work for him and the galaxy too.)
And how wonderful that we are all "gifted" with this enjoyable series of stories. I don't watch SGU, so skipped that one, but very much enjoyed all the rest.
All the best, now I'm off to rec to friends.
Melissa M.
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