Strange New Place [Tag Vila]

Aug 26, 2009 18:18

Dayna was surprised when she opened her eyes. It didn't matter what she saw, opening her eyes, realizing that she was alive was surprise enough. It should have been impossible. She could still feel the heat in her stomach from the rifle blast ( Read more... )

[canon] vila restal, [post] entry post, [canon] dayna mellanby

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allergictofear August 27 2009, 05:32:03 UTC
It was the end.

Darkness had engulfed his vision and he could feel the life flitting out of his body. It was the end and what had he really done with it when he had it? Steal, eat, drink, drink, drink, be merry? Not such a bad life. Could of used more drink.

But as the silence passed into echoed footsteps, the kind you found on a station, people walking past you has you lay in a drunken coma on the floor kind sound, Vila couldn't help but squeeze an eye open.

The eye opened all the way as he heard the familiar female voice.

"Dayna? Is it over? Does haven have booze?" He looked around with his eye that was open and then opened the other. "This doesn't look like heaven..."


mellanby September 2 2009, 07:04:47 UTC
He was surprisingly lucid sometimes. Just like how he knew that Avon and Tarrant would never ask him to do important work while he was drunk.

She sipped at her drink, finally, listening to his story and getting up the gumption to try some of the food that was smelling increasingly better now that her appetite was contemplating returning. "I almost left, you know. To stay with Justin. If Servalan hadn't happened, I believe I would have. Because I wanted that sort of stability.

"It does make a lot of sense, if you look at it that way."


allergictofear September 3 2009, 18:37:52 UTC
Vila hadn't had to wait on eating he was ready to stuff his face and was doing so as Dayna talked. While the man was smart at times, he also had very few manners and liked to talk around his fork.

"I guess we all could of. Never did though...I mean I could of stayed with people who thought I was a hero. I mean, I was a hero to them. They respected me and I had a nice leggy blond and everything...but I didn't. I think I might of got Avon's insanity for a few moments that time around..." He sighed.

"But we all made our decisions. We have to live with them. Just like Avon and Tarrant and Blake. They have to live with what happened to people they were with. Blake blamed himself for the deaths that happened around him. He mourned in his own way but it never stopped him. He never dropped it. I guess that's the revolutionary mindset right there."


mellanby September 4 2009, 08:59:11 UTC
She smiled because she remembered. He had been really happy then. She didn't have a choice but to come back after what Servalan did. But Vila was admittedly very cute with his little leggy paramour.

And unlike her, he could of stayed.

"Look at me. Five minutes without the Federation breathing down my neck and I'm bothering with hindsight... I never did that before," she laughed nervously and offered an awkward smile.


allergictofear September 5 2009, 22:42:31 UTC
Vila had made a decision, whether that was a poor one or not, he wasn't sure, he still questioned himself everyday. There may of been no booze on that new planet, no fun and games, but he would be alive and safe and he would of never had to fear being thrown out an airlock.

He gave her a smirk and leaned back in his chair, enjoying this new business of relaxing and eating with an attractive female friend. "We have time to actually think for once. No new mission, no idea why we're here, but no one has shot at us yet and that's what counts."


mellanby September 7 2009, 09:47:24 UTC
She shifted her gaze, and furrowed her brow. "Most of these people don't even appear to be armed in any way. That's peculiar."

And they were most definitely not Federation fashions. Or really any manner of dress that she'd seen before. She sat up a little straighter, and then glanced down at her food which she'd barely touched because her stomach wasn't quite as loose as Vila's about untying out of its knot.

But she wasn't too tied up to drink, and took another strong swig of her beverage. "But we keep looking for a way off, or see what we can find laying around."


allergictofear September 7 2009, 18:55:05 UTC
Vila sipped at his next drink more slowly, thoughtfully. "Yeah, doesn't seem to be much security. It's as if their not thinking about danger at all. Weird huh?" He laughed. It was odd to be surrounded by people who weren't trying to kill them and Dayna was totally unused to this sort of thing.

"I don't know, might be nice to stick around for awhile...see what happens." Vila was not ready to go back to the constant fighting. And was surely not ready to face Tarrant and Avon again.


mellanby September 8 2009, 11:00:07 UTC
[(Good fadey point?)]


allergictofear September 8 2009, 14:32:11 UTC
(sounds good))


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