OTA Holosuite fun!

Dec 31, 2009 00:03

Silken Floss had been working, though the ship did not contain an abundance of medical cases, she spent her time in the medical bay, researching and learning about the new technology around her. She had gotten up only for a moment to stretch but when she returned to her console the computer would not respond to her commands. It in fact would not ( Read more... )

[place] virtual arena, [canon] lennier, [canon] sirrus, [canon] silken floss

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Comments 53

5faithmanages5 January 2 2010, 12:01:31 UTC
Lennier enjoyed taking long walks around the station, partly for exercise, and also in order to meet new people. He spotted the woman in the striking purple garment, and hurried to catch up with her, surprised at his own boldness - a few years ago, he would have been far too shy to approach an unknown female. Not wanting to be invasive, he slowed when he was a few paces behind her, and called a polite greeting.

ooc: somewhat belated, hope it's still ok to tag in :)


drsilkenfloss January 2 2010, 20:46:04 UTC
She was more embarrassed then she should of been and nearly flushed pink but she was able to calm herself before she turned to meet the person who had called to her.

"Hello...I was just on the way to the holosuites..." She didn't know why she felt the need to explain her dress but she did. The man wasn't human, that much was obvious, but she was growing used to that idea, still it was rather interesting to meet a new species.


5faithmanages5 January 3 2010, 00:08:44 UTC
"Ah, the holosuites - I know of them, but I have not yet enjoyed a personal experience. They are a remarkable invention, aren't they? What program are you intending to run? If you do not mind my asking. My name is Lennier," he added, bowing. "Of the Third Fane of Chu'Domo."


drsilkenfloss January 3 2010, 00:25:37 UTC
"I have never been before either. I've merely read about them and found I had no time for such frivolity. But apparently the computer system disagrees. It's not allowing me to get any work done." She was still a bit ticked about that and gave a huff at that. "As for the program, it simply was called Silken1. I'm Dr. Silken Floss of Central City, Earth. So I assume it is a program made for me...judging by the dress I assume it is Victorian Earth." It was odd to have to mention what planet you were talking about. Something she was still becoming use to.


heliacalrising January 4 2010, 21:53:31 UTC
It had been a wasted day, like many others had been before it, the countless hours in the lab all for naught. He was as close to finding a way home as he had been when he first arrived - that is, not at all. Not one lead, not one scrap of useful information.

"Even Spire had more to work with than this place," he muttered, stalking through the halls on his way to his usual tavern seat. "Floating rocks provided more to do than this idiotic bit of moving scrap metal. If I'd been-"

He turned the corner and abruptly contacted with another person, jolting him out of his rants. He flailed slightly, reflexively grabbing the person to keep from losing his footing. As soon as he was stable, he let go again.

"My sincerest apologies," Sirrus said, not bothering to look up as he smoothed out his clothes.


drsilkenfloss January 4 2010, 22:18:31 UTC
She had tried to avoid the collision but was too late and was thus grabbed and reflexively reached out for something solid which just happened to be the man's shoulder. She was slower to realize what she was gripping then he was and let go moments after he did, her pale face slightly pink from embarassment, though that was the only way to tell she had been jostled in any way. The rest of her face remained emotionless, if not a slight annoyance in the brow line.

"A mistake. It's fine. Lost in thought?" She fixed her slightly ruffled garment and hat.


heliacalrising January 6 2010, 01:27:52 UTC
His head snapped up at the sound of a female voice He hadn't seen a woman on the station that wasn't a resident, much less one that was dressed as she was. She appeared as a woman from his time would. He then realized he was staring.

"Again, my apologies, miss," Sirrus stated, regaining his composure. "I suppose I was indeed living more in my mind than I should have been."


drsilkenfloss January 6 2010, 02:39:33 UTC
Floss thought he was perhaps staring because she was in an odd outfit and so explained herself. "I don't normally dress this way. But the computer halted my work until I go have some fun apparently..." She didn't really understand what it wanted her to do.


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