Title: Restoration
Pairing: Ianto/Owen, Ianto/jack (implied)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Vague ones for season one
Disclaimer: All rights belong to RTD and BBC. No profit is being made.
Author's Notes: My very first fanfic!
Summary: Ianto smiles but doesn’t seem to be happy.
Owen was staring at the computer screen when Ianto came in and kissed him
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Comments 15
I think Torchwood makes me all gloomy(They killed Owen! sniff...) and compells me to write sad fic.
But next time I'll eat lots and lots of sugary things before writing fic. Then it's bound to end up all light and fluffy.
Thankyou for your self-pimping this was really good :)
He got almost all the best stories and Burn Gorman is a very good actor, he can make anything believable (which is necessary in Torchwood).
I'm still hoping he miraculously survived.
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