i will hold, as long as you like, just promise me we'll be alright...

Oct 02, 2012 23:46

Listening to the new Mumford album the night before an SPN premiere ( Read more... )

vidding, samndean, spn:s8, mumford, music

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Comments 11

galwithglasses October 3 2012, 04:49:20 UTC
Aww yeah! Perfectly wringing your heart out. They played a bunch of cuts from the album on the station I listen to last week and they were all great. Everything they do is SPN. Thanks for the link to The Boxer. Awesome version.


zimshan October 3 2012, 17:17:03 UTC
Wringing your heart out is the right phrase!!

The Boxer is one of THOSE songs for me, like probably on my Top10 ever list if I ever sat down and made a top10 list. So I was afraid to listen, I have such a high standard for covers already, but I kinda adore it to itsy bitsy pieces. It just used modern production qualities to their advantage SO SO well, and with Mumford's voice, it's just such a natural fit for the song.


crackers4jenn October 3 2012, 06:14:42 UTC


zimshan October 3 2012, 17:19:54 UTC
NO, MUMFORD ONLY SINGS ABOUT SAM&DEAN. And sometimes on occasion Katniss/Peeta. BUT MOSTLY SPN. And you can't tell me any different! :p


marciaelena October 3 2012, 08:16:20 UTC
Oh god, yes, I posted about this song the other day. It needs to be vidded!


zimshan October 3 2012, 17:21:52 UTC
Oh, haha, that's classic! Brainshare!!

The more I listen to it, the more I want it vidded. But it feels so perfect for S8, we need footage first! And I still have not seen a 'The Cave' SPN vid yet, someone didn't get the memo that fandom needed to vid that entire album, duh!


roniabirk October 3 2012, 16:28:25 UTC
Why can't I "like" things on here?! :-p


zimshan October 3 2012, 17:26:39 UTC
The better to comment, my friend! *twirls moustache*

I saw you were in London! Or still are? (You've been traveling all over this year, haven't you?!) Did you ever catch up with the rest of S7?


roniabirk October 3 2012, 20:57:49 UTC
Hee. Yes, we are going to London Dec. 29-Jan. 7. So excited!

I tried to catch up on S7, but Hulu stopped putting the episodes up after about 7x17? I think "Of Grave Importance" might've been the last one I saw. Argh! I'll get there. It's pulled me back in, and I have a friend who just got introduced who binged all the way to S4 in about two weeks, lol, so I want to support her in that addiction. ;-)

♥ Mumford & Sons.


spadada October 3 2012, 18:30:47 UTC
The first Mumford song I heard (Little Lion Man) was in a SPN fanvid! I watched that thing over and over again. First album is great to run to. Makes it spiritual/changing your life kind of experience :)

And I am loving the new one. It's been on in my car for days. I think the thing that makes the cover of The Boxer so special is Jerry Douglas' dobro. Here's one of my favorites. Song starts around 1:19.


spadada October 3 2012, 18:40:54 UTC
It was THIS video by killabeez btw.


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