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Comments 13

counteragent February 12 2012, 21:57:06 UTC


zimshan February 13 2012, 23:25:22 UTC
♥ ♥


afrocurl February 12 2012, 22:06:57 UTC
I almost wish that damn unicorn was a zombie one just to remember some good old days of neptune_online.

But to your bat signal--I watch the show and I like it well enough if that'll help with another set of eyes.


zimshan February 13 2012, 23:28:25 UTC
WAIT. Zombie unicorns?!? Where was that from? He wouldn't have been nearly as cute then. ;)

That'd be awesome! I'll PM you.


afrocurl February 13 2012, 23:32:46 UTC
Did you ever read neptune_online? We had some joke edition with Logan drawing a killer zombie unicorn (I think it was in conjunction with what would happen if the end of the world came) and he drew it with reasons why it would be hell (it'd be able to puncture a hole in a boat). There was a drawing and everything.


zimshan February 14 2012, 03:31:14 UTC
Yea, no I remember neptune_online well, but I don't remember zombie unicorns! Although now that you mention it, haha, I do vaguely remember something about puncturing a hole in a boat with drawings and stuff. Must have blocked the killer zombie unicorn part out!


abrakadabrah February 12 2012, 22:12:03 UTC
I'll look it over, too, if you want two pairs of eyes - but can't get to it until this evening. But would be happy to do it then.


zimshan February 15 2012, 23:56:39 UTC
Aw, thanks for the offer! I think I'm only needing one for now. But I'll let you know if I need another anytime soon. Thanks! :)


dev_earl February 13 2012, 10:32:42 UTC
I thought the unicorn's...horn was CG? IDK. :3

I'm glad you like my list. I very much prefer making lists of adorable SamandDean stuff than stuff that made me cry. :D


zimshan February 15 2012, 23:55:25 UTC
I would have thought it was CGI too. But there was a set pic of the horse on set with the corn on his head! Maybe the made it look prettier afterwards with CGI, not sure. But there's some awfully hard gravity issues to overcome with that kinda thing, I'm grossly curious what their method was. Makeup must have some wondrous glue that sticks to hair or something.

Adorable SamandDean lists are always appreciated! The way their pattern goes though, get the tissues ready. ;)


hugemind February 14 2012, 16:59:13 UTC
at least they kept their crudeness to a minimum

Yeah, and the juvenile humor (e.g. "ball washer") actually gave us nice brotherly moments instead of just being crude.

One might say Sam's fear of clowns is a literal physical manifestation of Dean leaving him behind.

Oooo, I hadn't thought about it like this, but YES. I wonder just how old Dean and Sam were when Dean left him there. Because it feels like the older the boys were, the less Sam's fear is about clowns per se.


zimshan February 16 2012, 00:01:21 UTC
Yeah, and the juvenile humor (e.g. "ball washer") actually gave us nice brotherly moments instead of just being crude.

Yes! There's totally a difference.

I wonder just how old Dean and Sam were when Dean left him there.

I got the feeling it was supposed to be around the same age as the boy who's mom worked there that Dean talked too. He sounded like in defending the Mom he was kinda defending himself abit too. Retrospectively, it's neat how the first Clowns ep was right after Sam almost lost Dean for the second time in the series too. And Mystery Spot ALMOST could have had a clown in it, hahaha. Gabriel/The Trickster was kinda a stand-in clown. XD


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