PROMO/ART for standing_fic's 2010 Bigbang: 'I AM IT' [J2 AU]

Jul 28, 2010 23:56

WHEW!! WITH just MINUTES TO SPARE!! *wipes sweat off brow*

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bigbang, vidding, fandom, my_vids

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Comments 42

afrocurl July 29 2010, 04:08:34 UTC
Damn hon! This all looks amazing! I can't even begin to say what I love most about it.e


zimshan July 29 2010, 05:31:48 UTC
Would you believe the only REAL pieces were the promo and banner? That's what my brain kept saying, the rest were just "procrastination diversions". Until like two weeks ago when I ended up going, AHHH NOW THIS ALL HAS TO BE FINALIZED, AND UPLOADED AND SHIT. Hahaha, it's been nuts, but awesome to hear you think it looks good! Graphics SOOOO do not come easy to me. (The promo was kinda the easier part!) ;)

And please, CHECK OUT THE STORY. I was like the furthest thing from a Michael Jackson fan at the start of this, and yet I want to write LOVE SONNETS to the story Michelle crafted here. I can't wait to finally get the time to experience the final product myself.


mementis July 29 2010, 04:11:01 UTC
Wow, this looks incredible! What a tremendous amount of effort and what an awesome payoff. I especially love the character cards but it's all just beautiful. Congratulations! :)


zimshan July 29 2010, 06:31:39 UTC
Oh, wow. Well, thank you for the high praise! I'm so glad to hear you found them enjoyable! The character cards were a fun little extra idea I ran away with after miraculously finding photoshoots of the other 9 dancers. A little rough around the edges as larger versions, but quite randomly I found out how much of a fun, colorful collage they formed when smaller and massed together. So yay, unexpected art! Hee!


darkmoonsshadow July 29 2010, 04:42:10 UTC
This is awesomely amazing!! Loved the trailer! I'm off to read the story!


zimshan July 29 2010, 06:41:22 UTC
YAY! It's the best thing EVER to hear the trailer convinced you to read, since it's like, the ultimate goal of the promo and all. SO glad to hear you enjoyed it! Have fun with the story!! :D


twivamp92 July 29 2010, 04:52:47 UTC
ok all of this art is insane, great job!!!

edit because I just saw the vid.
you win at life.
and this is like the most appropriate gif:

... )


qblackheart July 29 2010, 06:52:04 UTC
This clip was all I could think of when I saw the vid!!! Awesome gif. Amazing Jensen, lol!


zimshan July 29 2010, 07:18:04 UTC
SHUT UP. WHAT????!??? THAT EXISTS? *facepalm* I officially fail for not knowing that existed while attempting to make this promo. GODDD, where on earth was that from?!

Ahem! Sorry! At any rate, so glad to hear you liked the art! :)


twivamp92 July 29 2010, 07:53:30 UTC
looool, it's only existed for about 4 days xD
It's from the s5 gagreel that was shown at Comic Con on sunday
it's here
if you wanna see it (it's the best quality one out there, but I still suggest listening to it with headphones or something x]


ancastar July 29 2010, 05:19:07 UTC
I'm practically babbling like a fool here, blown away by the magnificence of all you've created. This is amazing. I just forwarded this page to a friend of mine who doesn't even read SPN and said, "Look! Look what's being done for the SPN/J2 BB!!!"

Something this great, you've got to share. :-)


zimshan July 30 2010, 01:54:33 UTC
Okay, so your comment has left ME babbling like a fool here. Seriously, it's a high compliment when you hear something like that! I'm thrilled it excited you enough to share! There was sooo much hand-wringing and second-guessing myself through all of this, but hearing something like that really is just the best thing ever. Really though, if the art here is worth anything, it's because of the fic that inspired it. Michelle set the bar high right out of the gate with her first draft. I was just working to match it. And spent many a time thinking my crappy graphics were totally going to undersell her fic for what it really was. So it's gratifying as all HELL to hear it reflected well. Thank so much for commenting! :D


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