VID: 'Roller' [The Women of SPN]

Jan 18, 2010 12:15

Turning fandom frustrations into projects is how I roll. This was my way of dealing. I can’t swear this is exactly how it happened. But it is how it felt.

This one, folks? Is for the girls...

Song/Band: ‘Roller’ by April Wine
Vidder: zimshan
Length: 3:58
Summary: "To give it everything that she's got". A tribute to the kickass ( Read more... )

vidding, spn: s5, spn, my_vids

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Comments 90

dotfic January 18 2010, 18:01:37 UTC
Oh my god. *flails* This is the vid I have been wanting to see since In the Beginning aired, and then the added bitter middle finger too. THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS. ♥

Also, the summary! It also means a lot to know that what I said resonated with you.

EDIT: oh, and I rewatched the avi in full screen and noticed what image you ended it on. Yes, exactly.


zimshan January 18 2010, 20:19:56 UTC
Aw, I'm SO GLAD to hear this works for you! I've always felt the girls needed an ensemble vid of their own, and the kickassness of Mary and later the Harvelles' return just cemented it. But as much as I loved them, I just couldn't bring myself to do this and ignore what ultimately happened to them. So I'm happy to hear it works on both those levels.

As for the summary! Ah! You must know, I tried for DAYS to think up something else! But ultimately, I think it really does capture so much in such a short space about why it hurts. Brevity really does go a long way. :)

And YAY for noticing the last image! I might have done a semi-flail when I first found it myself, 'cause it was so exactly what I wanted for this. Glad you thought so too!


pinkphoenix1985 January 18 2010, 19:41:05 UTC
this is brilliant! here via dotfic


zimshan January 18 2010, 22:07:59 UTC
Thanks so much for commenting! Glad you could enjoy it! :)


embroiderama January 18 2010, 19:48:50 UTC
Also here via dotfic, and this is incredibly kick-ass. Great vid!


zimshan January 18 2010, 22:32:28 UTC
Hey, the girls brought the kickassness all by themselves! XD

Glad you could enjoy! :)


cofax7 January 18 2010, 20:30:20 UTC



zimshan January 18 2010, 23:14:48 UTC
YAY! \o/

Happy to hear you could enjoy it! :)


smilla02 January 18 2010, 20:36:19 UTC
Wheeeee! It's posted!

I'm so very excited seeing it going public. You did a wonderful job and I've been so happy to have been part of the process. Thank you for allowing me to do it and most of all for the amazing vid.


zimshan January 19 2010, 00:43:31 UTC
Allowing you? No, no, thank you for volunteering! XD

♥ ♥


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