VID: 'Blackbird' [SPN, Sam]

Oct 27, 2009 00:22

Oh, man, there are no words for how fulfilling it is to finally finish a vid whose song has been staring at you on your ‘to vid’ play list for years...

Sam Winchester in Season Four
Song/Artist: ‘Blackbird’ by The Beatles (both original and Across The Universe) versions
Vidder: zimshan
Show/Character: Supernatural/Sam Winchester
Length: 2:29
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vidding, spn: s5, spn, spn: s4, sam-fuckin-winchester, my_vids

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Comments 21

afrocurl October 27 2009, 17:27:41 UTC
This is gorgeous. I really think that Blackbird can be the start of something bad, just as it tries to ring hopeful.

Your clip choice worked so well, too. With the quick looks at John as well as the parts with them as kids.


zimshan October 27 2009, 18:59:58 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I really think that Blackbird can be the start of something bad, just as it tries to ring hopeful.
It really is a special song that can vary so greatly from hopeful and inspiration to sad and melancholy, depending on when and where you listen to it.

With the quick looks at John as well as the parts with them as kids.
Oo! I'm happy to hear you noticed that! I wish I could have fit more of John and them as kids, if only it was a tad longer song. But that image retrospectively haunts me in watching S4, with the idea that Little!Sam had no clue what was even going on there. It's easy to discount but imagining the total mindfuck of finding out you've been kept out of something so big for eight years of your life? Is just ridiculously horrible. UGH, Sam, why do you gotta be so tragic?!


cinco_series October 27 2009, 17:43:14 UTC
Very good job. Thanks for sharing!


zimshan October 27 2009, 19:07:00 UTC
Thanks for commenting! I'm glad you could enjoy it!


shadow_of_doubt October 27 2009, 17:58:56 UTC
Wow. That is just amazing! I will be reccing this on my LJ.


zimshan October 28 2009, 15:08:17 UTC
Aw, you really are too kind. There's actually a lot I would like to fix in this technically, but the tone was what I was really working for, what I needed from it personally, so once I achieved that, I was satisfied. So I'm overjoyed to hear this worked for you! Thanks for taking the time to comment! :)


spiniform October 27 2009, 21:41:15 UTC
I love this, the song just fits amazingly well. Thanks for sharing. :)


zimshan October 28 2009, 15:21:01 UTC
I'm so delighted to hear this works for you! I've been so unfocused when it comes to vidding SPN the last two seasons, starting with so many songs that I just could not get to work right. But after the finale, this song really started to embody everything I wanted and needed to say about Sam. A lot of which, while it has been there, it's been placed in such small pieces. Generally, I feel like the show has overall missed the boat on hammering it home, and has made many viewers distant to Sam in the last year. But this is the way vidding can be downright therapeutic!

So thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate the feedback! :)


egotists October 27 2009, 23:31:19 UTC
Lovely job. Really nice and simple but still with a definite edge.


zimshan October 29 2009, 00:44:08 UTC
Glad to hear the simplicity came through! I tend to get too bogged down with trying to do too much, but the simpleness of the song called for something more understated. So I'm delighted to hear that worked for you! Thanks for taking the time to comment.


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