Graduation and Unshakable 4.22 Sam Morose

May 20, 2009 13:24

I'M DONE! GRADUATED! I'M FREE! Or you know, now have to spend every waking hour on job applications and pray those grad apps come through. But you know...

It's been kinda depressing saying goodbye to everyone and everything all week. So I went to turn to sketching out that Sam vid finally, just to get my mind off things abit. And I realized what it was about the finale bothered me so much...

As awesome as the final twist of Sam killing Lilith ending up the final seal and Ruby's long con reveal was...

It absolutely murders Sam's arc for this year.

It draws this definitive line in the sand. Dean was right. Sam was wrong. And this show...well, it's never actually DONE that before. You know? It's never been that definitive. They're always both as equally right as they are wrong. Instead, we've got half the episode with Dean being treated like a queen by Heaven who thinks he's righteous enough to kill Lucifer, while he lectures the angels over the sanctity of preserving humanity. And the other half, we got Sam who agrees to suck a girl's blood bone-dry to kill Lilith and save the world, only to find out that he was a moron for trusting Ruby because killing Lilith actually ends the world.

And that is just ridiculously unsatisfying for Sam's character to me. Sure, he didn't go evil (though they still could jump on that *bites fingernails*) but he was so solely blind in that he didn't see he was being played. He trusted Ruby. And it led NOWHERE. I'd have almost liked it more if he'd gone evil while protecting the world and stopping the apocalypse. Or the original idea of him going evil to bring Dean back, or save him. Then he'd have at least ACCOMPLISHED something for his troubles. Instead, the whole damn year was kinda pointless. Everything that he worked for was meaningless.

And that is just so unsatisfying for Sam's character. SO UNSATISFYING. Because we've been working up to this point for the LONGEST TIME. Sam's characterization has NEVER gotten to be satisfying. S1 he was gonna kill the YED, and then he couldn't. S2 he dies, and Dean sells his soul and kills the YED and Sam watches. S3 he was gonna save Dean from going to Hell and then he couldn't. And then finally, S4, he's gonna stop the Lucifer from rising, only to actually be the one to CAUSE IT?

GUYS, THAT IS RIDICULOUSLY DEPRESSING. I mean, far far far FAR more than this show's normal depressingness is. Because it is no where NEAR SATISFYING. IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF SATISFYING.

And I don't know what to do with it or make of it.

It's just astounding to me that after all this Choice meta over the last two years, and then spending half of the year aligning Sam to Choice, that they would really end off the year with Sam's choices bringing on the apocalypse.

And yea, you can say that it balances Dean's indiscretions in Hell and his contribution to breaking the first seal. But it's not the same. Dean's not maligned nearly as bad because he was in Hell. And we didn't see it. But this? Where this places Sam? It kinda kills me.

Kripke better be planning for Choice to make a stupendous comeback next season. But what kills me even more is, after this, where IS Sam's story even supposed to go next year? UGH, I JUST DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE!!!

I hate thinking of this like this. Please tell me I'm thinking about it all wrong or something. I need to work this Sam morose out, or this vid will never get made!

ETA: I guess it does assert Dean's role as protector of the Winchester Constitution, a la 'Jus in Belo'. But...dammit, for once, I just...I just really wanted more for Sam.

spn, rl, bucketfuls_of_tears, spn: s5, finale_fever, spn: misc, spn: s4, sam-fuckin-winchester

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