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Comments 10

harper47 May 15 2009, 15:22:53 UTC
I'm guessing they decided not to include God to avoid the wrath of organized religion.

BUT THAT LAST FIVE SECONDS. GUYS. HELP ME OUT. WHAT WERE YOUR REACTIONS TO THAT? Dean telling Sam, let's get out of here, and Sam STOPPING HIM, AND LOOKING KINDA CREEPILY INCREDULOUS with a vaguely sanctimonious phrase of "He's coming" before the screen whited out? DID THAT DEMON BLOOD DOOOO SOMETHING TO SAM AFTER ALLL? AM I STILL BEING CRAZY???? PLEASE TELL ME I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO WORRY OVER THIS!!!I don't think we can know yet what they are going to do and they left it vague on purpose. Who knows what is up Kripke's sleeves but Lucifer has to be more than Azrael and more than Lilith. To me, Lilith was never more terrifying than in Jus in Bello. That episode made her terrifying. Having her become a random woman and not a scary little girl took away alot of her mojo for me. Nowhere near the impact ( ... )


zimshan May 15 2009, 15:56:27 UTC
I'm guessing they decided not to include God to avoid the wrath of organized religion.

BUT!!! Ugh, I don't want it to just be an excuse. I want a REASON. SOMETHING. God's being held captive or SOMETHING. They've delved WAY too far in religion and Christianity to check out and play chicken now!

I don't think we can know yet what they are going to do and they left it vague on purpose.

HENCE a summer of DREAD. Oh man. But yea, good thing about the ratching, they've gotta top all the other demons SOMEHOW. I just...ugh. Everything points to Sam being possessed by him still, right up to Dean's destiny intending to kill Lucifer. THE DREAD, THE DREADDDDDDD.



deathisyourart May 15 2009, 16:02:56 UTC
How mad would you be at Kripke if he put the boys back together just to avoid us all complaining over the summer, and then in the premiere has Lucifer possess Sama nd the boys driven apart again? LOL! Kripke needs a body guard!


zimshan May 19 2009, 22:32:39 UTC
I almost completely believe he'd do it. Except that Lucifer vs. Dean has got to be a season long thing, and I have no idea how Kripke would actually be insane enough to think he could swing having real Sam gone all year. But I can totally see him flipping Sam in the opener in a "the demon blood did something to him" way. That last line Padalecki delivered there with such awe-struck reverence gives me the creeps.


afrocurl May 15 2009, 17:09:38 UTC
And am I the only one still asking, WHY DID G-D LEAVE THE BUILDING?!?

ME! I'm still asking that. Though I feel it'll turn out to be something like Dogma with G-d being on some constitutional for the last five years or something.


singingrl May 15 2009, 18:41:46 UTC
I feel like the past two episodes have been lighter on misogyny than usual. I was really impressed with how things panned out. I liked that the higher ups on the "good" side turned out to be just as underhanded and bureaucratic as I'd assume the higher ups on the "bad" side are. I thought it was a nice touch to have the forces of "good" so unconcerned with the lives of mere mortals. I think this season has taught me, above all else, that capitalism is evil lol.


Scores in Croatoan anonymous August 24 2009, 16:09:56 UTC

This is a bit of a stab in the dark as i have searched and searched and not been able to find it myself and so far you look like my best hope at finding this piece of music and knowing whether it is actually a score or not. At the beginning of the episode 'Croatoan' as they are driving into Crater Lake,there is a piece of music playing that i absolutely love and it isn't any of the scores that i was able to download from your links....any help on this would be hugely appreciated :D it is also played in a couple other episodes that i have noticed.


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