Can you feel the Finale Fever?! It's WINCHESTER DOOMSDAY! *hides eyes* *peeks through*

May 15, 2008 16:27

Anyone looking to get pumped up for the SPN Finale? Don't walk, RUN to bellanut's RECAP OF SPN SEASON THREE. It is quite literally the PICSPAM TO END ALL PICSPAMS. I'm not even joking, there's three parts to that baby!

Some songs to share that I've been listening to all morning in preparation for the INEVITABLE WINCHESTER DOOM:
- Back Door Slam - "Come Read more... )

picspam:others, super-fuckin-natural, politics, obama, spn: s3, finale_fever, music

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Comments 14

bellanut May 15 2008, 21:20:02 UTC
I do think that just like 'Hunted' last year was a foreshadowing of 'AHBL' last year, like 'Scarecrow' was to 'Salvation'/'Devil's Trap' the year before, so this episode will be to the finale tonight. Between Ruby and Dean fighting with Sam in the middle, to the image of Dean SCREAMING in pain while Sam freaks out and then grabs the Colt in such focused crazy determination to kill a bitch to save his brother?


I agree with everything you said AND I HAVE SO MANY CHILLS NOW, THANKS.


zimshan May 15 2008, 21:46:09 UTC
I KNOW, RIGHT?! Which are only like the BEST two parts of the episode. I just realized that last night, and totally was responsible for the start of this whole post. GOD, I LOVE THIS STUPID LITTLE SHOW SO FRIGGIN' MUCH, IT'S RIDICULOUS.



roniabirk May 15 2008, 21:23:28 UTC
I think just going through bellanut's picspam brought to my attention how solid the season was shaping up to be before we were cut short, and even though we were cut short when it is all together it works beautifully.

I am so excited for tonight it's ridiculous. I am spoiler-free - don't even know the title of the episode - and I am just anxious. Can't wait! (Why do you have to wait until tomorrow?)


zimshan May 15 2008, 21:54:34 UTC
I know, if you think about how the season was naturally planned out to ratchet up the tension all the way through to the climax end, and think about those six eps we lost, WE WERE ROBBED! But then looking at what we got despite it all, and sheesh, I'm kinda impressed they were able to do all they did with it.

And I say that having no idea what the finale entails! It's like, it makes it that much more exciting with this dread and excitement of not knowing what on earth to expect! [I'm in the UK now, so I have to wait for the uploads to come out, which will be morning for me. Alittle longer wait, but still makes me anxious as all hell.]


roniabirk May 15 2008, 23:22:39 UTC
Why is time CRAWLING BY?!?


zimshan May 15 2008, 23:55:36 UTC


afrocurl May 16 2008, 01:09:53 UTC
Shuffle Your Feet does remind me of Dean too much. I also think that your iTunes might have been possessed briefly by mine.

I'm in the middle of 3.15 right now before the finale.


harper47 May 16 2008, 12:58:53 UTC
Aw a squee post. How fun! And of course I care why you were MIA.

Very nice analysis and all very well put. I enjoyed last night's finale so much more than last year's finale. I don't think I've had enough caffeine this morning to respond adequately to all the terrific analysis so I'll just go with word.


annabelle528 May 16 2008, 13:15:17 UTC
Ok, the Jon Stewart clip was funny, but also made me criiiiinge. WHY must there be an endless supply of people in my state ready to prove every single stereotype?


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