SPN Score Motifs

Jan 09, 2007 11:39

Background on Motifs:

Just as literature can possess reoccurring themes called 'motifs', so can strains of music within a score of a film or television show. The tradition of the use of motifs in film score is actually an old idea which was derived from the German composers who coined the phrase, leitmotif ('leading motif') and made the practice ( Read more... )

film/tv scores, spn: wholeseries, spn: score, school: neuroscience, spn, spn: meta-ish_attempts, music

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Comments 16

ggreenapple January 9 2007, 18:06:37 UTC
I don't know anything about music, but this is really interesting. I never really notice the music until, like you say, it becomes too overwhelming, or disappears entirely. What's fascinating to me, is that I'm probably subconsciously recognizing the motifs and reacting to them on some fundamental level. That it colors my interpretation of the text without me even knowing.



zimshan January 10 2007, 17:27:15 UTC
is that I'm probably subconsciously recognizing the motifs and reacting to them on some fundamental level. That it colors my interpretation of the text without me even knowing.

Oh, yes, that is exactly it! They can be incredibly effective without you even realizing it. There was actually an article in the NY Times last week about the brain's recognization of music that was endlessly fascinating. The research was done more with popular music but I think it could all be related back to scoring just the same. It's HERE, if you're interested.


taniapretender January 10 2007, 07:39:53 UTC
The music is SO important

Actually I had no idea how the meaning of their words could change with just music.

I watch the Unaired Pilot, which had total different music, and some parts are just...like the staircase chat, it has some very beautiful, sad little music and you get the subtext :p

Which you don't in the Pilot we know.


Looking for it blacklid July 16 2007, 21:27:17 UTC
Do you know where I can get a copy of the unaired pilot? My email is on my LJ if you don't want to answer here... thanks! :)


Re: Looking for it taniapretender July 17 2007, 07:25:56 UTC
I downloaded it on mininova.com, but someone on dean_sam uploaded it not too long ago. ask there.


Re: Looking for it blacklid July 26 2007, 16:56:07 UTC


Dean's Family Dedication Theme anonymous July 26 2007, 17:06:37 UTC
hi, I just made a video highlighting the clips with Dean's Family Dedication theme in them. I am going to upload it to youtube, and I thought I would put a link to this list. I am wondering though, if you would prefer me to put a link to this information at superwiki instead?

I am going to use the name "Dean's Family Dedication Theme" that you came up with. I originally just did this out of curiosity. I wanted to watch the clips right next to each other, to see how Dean changes and hear the different versions and how they match up with what's happening in each scene, etc. but, then I thought it was kinda cool, so I decided to go ahead and post it in case anyone else wanted to see/hear it.

I don't have a livejournal account, but I'll send you an e-mail once the video is uploaded and give you the link to my vid. I think I might do one of the "Silly Brothers theme" next.


Re: Dean's Family Dedication Theme zimshan July 26 2007, 18:02:54 UTC

Wow, that's so cool that you did that. What an awesome idea. I've seen many people note the score with Sam's death scene but not many realize all the uses before that made that final use so great. Anyway to spread the SPN score love! It's my hope that we might one day be able to garner enough support to actually get an official score soundtrack released so we'd finally have CLEAN versions. *crosses fingers*

And yea, it's totally fine with me if you just link this list. I've sort of been adding to this one gradually over time but I haven't updated the wiki as frequently.

P.S. If you're interested in doing a Silly Brothers Theme, I'm pretty sure it was used MANY more times than what I have listed there, I just haven't found the time to go through and find them all. But if want to go ahead and find the rest of them more power to ya! :)


Re: Dean's Family Dedication Theme anonymous August 2 2007, 13:42:38 UTC
well, I finished the Silly Brothers theme. I thought it was going to take me a lot longer than it did, I was surprised. I was also surprised because I expected there to be a lot more uses than there were.

I ended up just calling it the "Brothers Theme" because they weren't always being silly. :)

Here are both of the links

Brother's Theme

Dean's Family Dedication Theme


downbythebay_4 March 4 2009, 20:26:07 UTC
This is really interesting. As much as we all focus on the classic rock aspect of the show, there's also some really interesting things going on with the original score.

There is one strain of music that I usually refer to as the Rainy Day music because it plays in the beginning of Croatoan when Sam and Dean arrive in Rivergrove and it looks like the street is wet.

I really like the sound and emotive quality of it and I know it's repeated elsewhere in the series, but I just can't figure out where. I don't think it's any of the themes you've pointed out here, but I'll have to check things out.


zimshan March 13 2009, 06:16:17 UTC
Oh, I know exactly the strain you're talking about! I love it as well, though I had never listed it here, because it doesn't seem to have a connected theme. But it is a lovely piece, and if I ever get S2 score downloads finished, it will definitely be a feature. The other instance it was used that I can remember straight off-hand was in 'Heart' when Sam's at wolfgirl's house. I think it has also been used at least once this season as well. (I don't remember hearing it in S3 though.)

At any rate, glad you could enjoy this old post! The motifs of this show really are a joy.


downbythebay_4 March 17 2009, 16:07:43 UTC
Well, I think you've found our connection! It inspires the appropriate nostalgia for a time of innocence, and they play it whenever the boys are going to kill someone who looks human.


zimshan March 18 2009, 18:49:20 UTC
Oh, I didn't even think of it like that! Great thought! That does work nicely, as like a normalcy theme of some sort. I need a name for it though. Nostalgia for Normalcy. Normalcy Nostalgia. Nostalgic Normalcy. Mortality of Normalcy. Err, something like that.

I'll need to locate the last instance as well and see if it fits. I know it was used at least one other time, besides those two, but heck if I can remember right now. If you find it, let me know! I'll be sure to give you credit for it!


spades_fire September 10 2009, 01:54:39 UTC
So my inner soundgeek just spontaneously combusted with absolute GLEE at this post. I love stumbling on things randomly that just completely blow my mind. <333

I think I'm going to friend you now because I want to read all of these sorts of posts and probably other things but do not have time right now. Just thought I should let you know how much I am squeeing in your general direction right now. :)



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