SPN Episode Composer List & Interviews

Jan 09, 2007 11:23

[I've got a bunch of back posts that have been sitting in a word doc for weeks, which I still need to make, so 'Sorry' in advance, flist, for the subsequent spamming.]The SPN composers Christopher Lennertz and Jay Gruska share the scoring job, usually alternating every other episode. But since more than once they have disrupted the normal "every- ( Read more... )

film/tv scores, spn: wholeseries, spn: score, spn, music

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Comments 14

r_a_l_i_g_h January 9 2007, 16:31:14 UTC
[I've got a bunch of back posts that have been sitting in a word doc for weeks, which I still need to make, so 'Sorry' in advance, flist, for the subsequent spamming.]

I LOVE you!

I thought I was the only one who did that!


zimshan January 9 2007, 18:21:20 UTC
What, write in a word doc? That's essential! So LJ can't eat up posts like it loves to do...


roniabirk January 9 2007, 16:53:50 UTC
I am so glad you are into SPN now. Otherwise, I would never learn this stuff. Your next post made me go "Uhhhh .... wow." *scratches head* Hee.


zimshan January 9 2007, 18:48:34 UTC
HEHE. Glad to oblige. :D


bellanut January 9 2007, 18:02:17 UTC
I'm finding these posts super fascinating even though I'm probably grasping less than half of the content. Still, KEEP EM' COMING! It's the best when people in a fandom cover different aspects so thoroughly.

I knew there had been a different score in the pre-aired pilot and the aired pilot, but I didn't realize the show regularly used two different composers. I'm I right to assume that's abnormal?

And now I wish they'd interviewed the composer for the DVD too! He wants to be interviewed! I'm really, really hoping the S2 box set includes more than the first set. I'm not sure there's a single aspect of the show they could tell me about that I wouldn't find interesting.


zimshan January 9 2007, 18:47:30 UTC
YAY! I'm glad you can find them interesting.

but I didn't realize the show regularly used two different composers. I'm I right to assume that's abnormal?

Yea, it happens that shows will use one composer for a couple seasons and then use another one for later ones (like Buffy and Dawson's) but I've never run into a show that SHARES the ep responsibility like this. That's part of what I find so fascinating about it because it provides endless amounts of comparisions. Which are always fun!

But yea, right now I'm especially itching for them to interview Gruska. Lennertz gets all the interviews because he's more young and up and coming whereas Gruska's been around for a while, but I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE HAS TO SAY ABOUT THE SHOW, DAMMIT.


SupNat anonymous March 9 2007, 03:54:17 UTC
First time at the site---cool musings!
Jay G.


Re: SupNat coffee_girl February 27 2008, 23:43:58 UTC
Hey, I found this post via Super-Wiki.

I know, it's so lame to ask, but the links don't work for me - would you...maybe....

And I have a question as well. Maybe the answer just pops in to your head...it's a melody, jused several times in Season 2. At the End of Bloodlust, the beginning of Croatoan when the boys are driving into town.
It's a slow melody and it's beautiful. But nobody seems to know it.


Re: SupNat zimshan March 1 2008, 22:39:35 UTC
Hi there! Don't feel bad at all for asking! I've just been MIA for a couple months and haven't been able to reupload them. The links should all be working fine now!

As far as your question, yes, I know the piece you're talking about. It's definitely some pretty Gruska's score. Good ear! I am actually working on the S2 score post now, unfortunately it's hard for me to get much free time to work on it these days so it's taking much longer. But that piece will definitely be on it. Though, while it's a beautiful melody heard a couple times throughout the season (I believe we hear it again in Heart?), I don't believe it's actually a motif. The different instances we hear it have no real similarities (that I can find at least) to constitute it as a motif, though considering Dean's speech over the first instance in Bloodlust, it would have been lovely if it had. Nonetheless, I'll be on the look out.

Hope that helps! Enjoy the links!


Re: SupNat coffee_girl March 1 2008, 22:59:51 UTC
First of all, thank you very much!!

Second, sorry for my bad english. It's not my first language, I'm from Germany, so....

Finally, someone know about this melody. I had a season 2 rewatch, and I realize, it's in several episodes. You're right, it's in Heart, too.

So I will add you to my friend list if you don't mind.

Again, thank you very much. It's been a real pleasure.


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