Title: Chatterbox Pairing/Characters: Adam/Tommy Rating (Word Count): 2/100 Warning(s): None. Author's notes: Part of the chef AU, this is after they are an established couple. Also, marcona almonds are the best nuts ever.
These are all so much fun! I love this AU and never seem to tire of the drabbles you write for it.
Tommy is definitely someone who "treasures his own company" (that's a fun song... but it would be annoying to listen to others sing it, LOL)
The Batman thing was cute. My brother used to do stuff like that when we were little and my mom took us shopping. He also thought it was funny to hide in the middle of those circular clothing racks, making her worry. Boys!!
Comments 2
Tommy is definitely someone who "treasures his own company" (that's a fun song... but it would be annoying to listen to others sing it, LOL)
The Batman thing was cute. My brother used to do stuff like that when we were little and my mom took us shopping. He also thought it was funny to hide in the middle of those circular clothing racks, making her worry. Boys!!
Yeah, all kids are Batman at one point.
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