Title: The Happiest Place On Earth (Pays Ride Operators Shit), Chapter Four
Fandom: Adam Lambert/Glam Nation
Pairing: Adam/Tommy, past Adam/Brad, past Tommy/Isaac
Author: i_amthecosmos
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,353
Summary: Maybe Adam goes overboard sometimes. Maybe Tommy’s enjoying it too much to care.
Warnings: mild substance abuse, driving while stoned.
Disclaimer: None of this is true, and I make no profit from this fanfiction. Please do not Twitter it to anyone portrayed. May the Disney Corporation forgive me my trespasses.
Notes: Thanks to everyone who likes reading this one. All the chapters are now getting their own tag, "Disney story". This is how I refer to it anyway.
Tommy smiled when Adam invited him out to breakfast. It was so sweet and to be honest, kind of unexpected. For some reason, Tommy figured he would just leave. He guessed he didn’t expect much, still. Isaac had never really taken him out. “Okay”, he said as he handed Adam a cup of coffee. “But I need to take care of my ankle first. It swells up overnight.” Tommy got the ice thing out of the freezer and moved carefully to the couch.
Adam came into the room with him and drank his coffee as Tommy first iced and elevated his leg, and then did some gentle exercises the doctor had given him for his tendon. They were pretty easy, but he had to be careful until the muscle sprain got better. When he got the rubber band out he said “Hey, give me a hand,” to Adam. Adam went over there, looking confused, and Tommy said “Just wrap this around my foot, hold the ends, and I’m gonna stretch my foot back. Okay.”
“Yeah. Oh, I remember this,” he said, a smile on his face. “My old-a friend, he hurt his ankle dancing once. I can help.” Tommy noticed the slip, but he didn’t say anything, it wasn’t his place. And anyway, Adam was slipping the band around his foot and smiling at him. Tommy decided he didn’t care right then.
Tommy did the exercises, very slowly bending his foot towards him as he worked against the tension of the band pulling his foot back. It hurt, but not too much. He had to quit after ten, but he could only do three a few days ago, so he was fine with it. “Okay,” he said, grimacing a little. “That’s enough. I’m gonna get dressed. Thanks.”
“Hey, no problem”, Adam said, and Tommy smiled at him before he limped to his room.
Adam watched as Tommy left, and wondered how much pain he was really in. He didn’t see Tommy take any pain medication, and he hoped that Tommy wasn’t pushing himself too hard. Adam decided not to worry about it much, and he puttered around their apartment, throwing away the half-full Thai takeout boxes from last night. Then he sat on the couch and got out his phone. He had almost texted Brad before he remembered himself. I want to tell somebody, he thought. But I don’t know who. Nearly everyone he knew also knew Brad, and it would get back to him. He could call Danielle, but she was probably at work. Adam put his phone back up and sighed. That was the problem with working at Disney for such a long time-he barely knew anybody else anymore.
“Hey.” Adam turned to look at Tommy, who was wearing the same shirt as last night and a pair of worn jeans. He was wearing his boot, and looked a lot more comfortable. “I’m ready, where are you taking me?”
Anywhere you want, Adam thought, but he cleared his throat and said “I think I know a place nearby.” He got up and linked his arm in Tommy’s, which made him chuckle. When Adam was about to open the door, it popped open and Dave came in. “Hey,” Adam said, a little surprised.
“Wow,” Dave said in response. “That was quick, glad I wasn’t here-no offense.” Dave went past then and wrinkled his nose at Tommy. “Time for you to do your laundry, brother,” he said as he went back to his room. “I’m getting some sleep.”
“Yeah, like I can get down the stairs to the laundry room, bitch,” Tommy yelled back, then he looked back at Adam. “Um, sorry. I thought I might’ve had some cleaner shirts. I’d borrow one of Dave’s, but he’s a lot fatter than me.”
“I heard that, motherfucker,” Dave yelled. “You guys go do…whatever it is you’re gonna do. And let me sleep!” Adam laughed a little, and they got outta there.
“Is he always that cranky after he gets laid?” Adam asked, and Tommy’s laughter was infectious. They laughed all the way to his car.
Tommy had to hand it to Adam, this was the best goddamn after-sex breakfast anyone had ever gotten him. Adam had to drive around to find it-wasn’t as close as he thought-but the pancake house Adam took him to was worth the wait. “Wow,” Tommy said, his mouth full of bacon pancakes with maple syrup, “This is great, thanks.”
“You’re welcome, it’s not that big a deal,” Adam said, and Tommy had to restrain himself from leaning over and kissing the blush that appeared over his cheek. Instead, Tommy just dug into his food while Adam slowly ate his fruit plate and bowl of hot cereal. Tommy looked at that and shook his head.
“Come on Adam, eat more. That doesn’t even look like breakfast.” Adam looked confused and Tommy continued. “I mean, I’m stuffing myself on pancakes and you’re having fruit and cream of wheat. I look like an asshole.” Adam stiffened up for a second and Tommy wondered if he went too far, but then Adam smiled at him.
“Oh I’d like to,” he said in a soft voice. “But I had curry last night and it has a lot of fat and salt.” Adam smirked, a little self-deprecating. “And I have to be Prince Charming, so I can’t gain weight. And anyway, you look like the kind of guy who can eat anything and still be skinny.” Tommy laughed and had another bite of pancake.
“Not true, I get a beer belly sometimes. And being on the couch for the past week probably isn’t helping much.” He looked over at Adam, noticing how beautiful he was in the light coming through the windows. He wasn’t in makeup and he looked amazing. “Hey, we still don’t know much about each other. Let’s try to fix that.”
“Yeah?” Adam said, and before Tommy even expected it, Adam’s fork came across the table and got a bite of his pancakes. “Mmm, they are good. Okay, where do you want to start?”
“Um, how old are you?” Adam looked at him, totally puzzled for a minute, and then they both cracked up.
They wound up staying at the diner for about two hours, talking. Adam told Tommy about how he spent his childhood in theater and taking opera lessons. Tommy talked about his first guitar that he got as a present at thirteen. They both talked about music, about their parents, movies, art. They even talked about their early religious training, with Adam just saying he hated Hebrew school but didn’t mind being Jewish. Tommy topped that with his story about pissing on the Virgin Mary to try to get kicked out of Catholic school, and Adam laughed so long one of the cooks came out to see what the big deal was.
Tommy didn’t want to go, but the dull throb in his leg was starting to get worse and worse. When he grimaced after just moving his leg a little bit, Adam just pulled out the money for their breakfast and said “I guess I should take you back home”. Tommy didn’t even try to argue with him, and he accepted Adam’s help up.
When they got back to Tommy’s place, Adam could hear Dave’s snoring from his room, and Tommy rolled his eyes. “Noisy motherfucker. Hey, are you going to stay, or do you have somewhere to go? And um…do you still wanna go out tonight?”
Adam looked over at Tommy and the obvious pain he was in, but he nodded anyway. “Yeah, if you still want to, we can go. Um, I’m going to go for a about an hour and come back, okay? It won’t be long. Can I borrow a key? In case you fall asleep.” It was clear from Tommy’s face that he had no fucking idea what Adam was up to now, but he handed the key over without saying anything. “Um, see you soon,” Adam said, and he kissed Tommy on the mouth. It was a brief kiss, but Tommy pressed against him and Adam almost changed his mind about leaving. “I’ll be back soon,” he said, and then he left the apartment and got in his car.
Tommy did nap on the couch a little after taking half of a pain pill-he didn’t want to be too spacey if Adam came back. No, when Adam comes back. He said he would. Tommy tried to believe that as he took a deep breath and fell asleep. He didn’t wake up until he heard Adam come in. “Hey,” Adam said and Tommy opened one eye. Then he had to sit up, because wow.
Adam had come in with several big paper bags from Safeway, and was trying to drag them all in. “Um, I hope you don’t think this is going too far, but you said you couldn’t really buy groceries because you don’t have a car and your leg.” Adam looked a little embarrassed, and kept talking as he took the bags to the kitchen. “I didn’t want you to take the bus to get these, you know? Sorry if it’s a problem.”
Tommy was still staring in shock as Adam hauled the bags in. Goddamn, it was probably more food than that kitchen had seen in two months. Tommy carefully got up and limped into the kitchen to see Adam unpacking cereal, milk, frozen dinners, and a few vaguely healthy things that Tommy and Dave might or might not eat. “Uh,” he said as he kept looking at all the bags. “Adam…” He didn’t know what to say. Thanks, but I have to pay you back. Thanks, but I’ve only known your ass a couple of weeks. Or maybe Goddamn, this is the sweetest thing ever. He really wasn’t sure. While he was still deciding on what to say, Adam turned and saw him staring.
“Oh shit,” Adam said, putting down the jar of peanut butter he’d gotten them. “I did go too far, didn’t I? I’m really…shit, are you mad?” Tommy shook his head, because he wasn’t mad, but this was just one fucking hell of a surprise. “Tommy, come on. Say something.”
Tommy came closer into the room, his hand on the fridge to steady him. “You didn’t get chunky peanut butter, right?” Tommy grinned as Adam laughed, eyes crinkling, and that broke the ice. “Seriously though, I’m gonna pay you back. I can’t give you all of it today, but I’ll pay something.”
Adam looked relieved at that. “Okay. Yeah, that’s a good idea. I didn’t even think until you came in that I might have done too much again. I mean, today was supposed to be our first real date, and…”
“It totally is,” Tommy said. “You took me to breakfast. And maybe I can still go out later. Um, do you want to stay around? Or do you have to go somewhere? Oh, we’ll talk about it in a minute, let me help you put this up.” Tommy limped over and started putting the cereal up on the shelf. “Hand me that coffee creamer.”
When everything was put up, Adam sat on the couch with him for a minute. “I wish I could stay here with you all day,” Adam said, and Tommy frowned, reflexively. “But…” Adam grinned. “I got a call from my mom when I was out, and she wants me to meet her for at least an hour. She’s here to visit a friend, so it’s just like a quick hello.” Tommy thought that was kind of a shitty family visit, but Adam didn’t seem upset. “So, can I come by later?” The hopeful expression on his face made Tommy want to laugh.
“I will be super fucking disappointed if you don’t. Unless, your mom guilts you into taking her to dinner, which in case just call me.” Adam blushed and Tommy kissed it, the reddest part on the tip of his ear. “Now go play at being a good son and I’ll be here when you get back.” Adam tipped his face up and kissed him, and then again, and about five minutes later he staggered out the door, spare key left on the coffee table.
Tommy looked at it for a minute, and then put on his boot. He walked carefully back into the kitchen and looked through the cabinets. Groceries. He bought you groceries because you couldn’t go to the store alone. That’s…wow. Tommy didn’t really know how to process it still. Nobody had ever done anything like that for him besides his mom. I guess he’s a good one, maybe, but what the hell did he meant by ‘again’?. Tommy frowned and left the kitchen. Adam was right-it was almost too much, and Tommy was glad he offered to pay it back.
“Dude, don’t pay it back,” Dave said when he finally woke up. “He’s helping you because he wants to and because you can barely move. It’s not that big of a deal. Really, he’s just being nice. And it’s about the cost of going out on a date anyway,”
“But we are gonna go out,” Tommy said. “And he’ll pay for that too-he already got dinner and breakfast.” Tommy couldn’t really explain that he thought it was sweet and too much pressure at the same time. “He’s-don’t you think it’s kinda soon? I mean, for something like that?”
Dave paused for a second. “Yeah, I can see what you mean, I guess. But someone should do nice things for you. Isaac didn’t give you a goddamn thing-“
“Don’t,” Tommy said, his voice sharp. “I told you, don’t talk about him to me.” Tommy fidgeted for a second, and then sighed. “I…want to think that he tried. But, I guess he didn’t.” Dave patted him on the shoulder and Tommy didn’t look at him. “Adam’s fucked half the guys who work at the park, you know. How am I supposed to fuckin’ know if this is just how he treats all his guys before he moves on?” Tommy thought about how he had to reassure Adam that it was okay, and he meant it at the time. But now that he was alone, he wondered what Adam was up to.
“I can’t answer that one, bro. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Okay?” Dave walked toward the door. “I’m gonna leave for a while. Shit, I should be getting the groceries, I’m an asshole.” He walked out before Tommy had the time to yell that he definitely was. When Dave was gone, Tommy stretched out on the sofa and turned on the TV. Before too long, he was asleep again.
When Adam finally made it to the restaurant his mother was at, she raised an eyebrow at him. “How do you keep your job? You’re late every time we go somewhere.” She took a sip of her wine, as Adam apologized. “Never mind, I’m used to it. Now, what do you want to drink?”
They talked for a while, mostly little bits of news about the family. Neil was still doing well in school and planning a trip to Europe, his father had bought a new car. It was pretty normal small talk for them. Near the end as Adam was finishing his crab ravioli, he said “Okay mom, I know you have to leave, and I have a date tonight.” As soon as it came out of his mouth, Adam thought Oh, shit.
His mother’s eyes narrowed. “A date. Really, that’s very interesting. Who is it this week? Have you seen him more than once? He works at the park, doesn’t he?” Adam bit his lip as she stared him down, then gulped his wine.
“His name is Tommy, and he works at the park, yeah. He’s a Haunted Mansion ride operator.” His mom didn’t look very impressed, and Adam scrambled to say more. “And I have seen him more than once. The first time was because I wanted to make it up to him for messing up his ankle.” His mom’s expression became even stranger, and he told her how he’d accidentally run Tommy over.
After she heard the story, she shook her head. “You know, if I thought this had a chance of lasting more than another week, then that would be a wonderful meet-cute story. But Adam…you’ve done this before many times.” Adam tried to protest but Leila kept going. “How long are you going to work at the park when you can do so much more? Are you going to stay there until Brad leaves? Will you go to whatever job he gets next? Adam…I don’t understand why you’re doing this to yourself.”
“Mom…”Adam said. “I’m trying, I am. I know you don’t believe me, and I know my track record isn’t that good.” Leila shook her head and Adam kept going. “I’ve met his friends, I took him out to breakfast this morning, and I try to look out for him. His ankle’s pretty bad.” He hurriedly added “Now, he can take care of himself, I know that, but…”
“Are you dating him because you feel guilty?” Leila said, and her face now looked sadder and more resigned. Adam shook his head. “Are you sure?” Adam waited a second, and then nodded. “Okay, if you think he’s worth it, I won’t say anything more. I have to go, I have an appointment.” She reached over and squeezed his hand. “Don’t mess it up, if you really want to be with him. Okay?”
“Okay, Adam said, and he kept looking down after his mother had paid for lunch. When he’d finished his wine, he got up and went to see a friend. He needed to get some weed after that.
The visit to his weed connection turned into a two hour jam. Monte had gotten a new guitar, and they ran through some songs together. “Awesome man,” Monte said. “Hey, next Zodiac show’s coming up. Are you gonna make it?” Adam took a hit off the joint and handed it to Monte.
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it. I already talked to Scarlet. I hope I do good, I need to.” Adam was trying not to think about how much he wanted to impress someone who might not even be there. He couldn’t help it though-the thought had been in his mind ever since he remembered the next show. “I can’t wait, I’ve been so bored.”
“I bet,” and that was all Monte would say on the subject of him working for Disney. Then he said “Hey look, I gotta go to practice, so see you later?” Monte was very nice about kicking him out after they’d smoked up, and Adam left with a grin on his face.
He didn’t mean to stop at the sex shop, but he was still pleasantly buzzed and buying a new vibrator for him and Tommy to play with seemed like a great idea. He got more lube and condoms while he was there, even though he knew that he couldn’t fuck Tommy right then. Then he headed back to his house to shower and dress. He was singing softly when he left, all his doubts and fears gone for the moment.
Tommy started when he heard the knock on the door. He didn’t know how long he’d been out, but he staggered to the door. “Adam?” he slurred, as he opened it up. It was Adam, and it was also getting dark. “Hey. Long lunch?” He smiled. “What’s up?”
“Sorry, but I had some other things to do. Are you okay? Do you feel like going out?” Adam was a little worried that he was overstaying his welcome, but Tommy looked so sleepy and adorable right then. He hoped Tommy didn’t tell him to leave.
Tommy rubbed his eyes. “I don’t know about going anywhere man, but come on in.” He limped back over to the couch, throwing the pillow he’d had under his head on the floor. “Make yourself at home, you know you can come here anytime.” He smiled as Adam stood in front of him, and it faded off as Adam kept standing. “What?”
“I can come over anytime?” Adam said, and Tommy felt a flutter of fear as well as anticipation as he said it. It hit him like a truck then-Adam was just as scared. Adam didn’t know what the fuck he was doing either. They were on the same page, and it was both scary and kind of reassuring. He nodded, and Adam smiled so wide and so pretty Tommy felt the last of his reluctance crumble. He snuggled next to Adam and tipped his face up for a kiss.
Tommy was a little nervous when Adam took him to bed for the second night in a row, but that went away after Adam slid in by him and kissed him breathless, their naked bodies pressed close from the waist up. “Baby,” he said, and Tommy smiled against his lips. “I um…I got some toys, if you feel like playing. Or we can wait, if it’s too soon, I don’t know…” Adam was dangerously close to babbling again, so Tommy just put two fingers over his mouth.
“What do you have?” he said, and Adam winked at him, licking and sucking his fingers before he pulled off and grabbed a package out of his jacket. Adam had his back turned while he took something out of a package, and then held it up. “Oh, wow.”
The vibrator was about four inches and not too thick, and it was purple. Tommy almost wanted to laugh, because being fucked by a purple vibrator was a new one. “Okay,” he said, and he spread his legs apart. “Now? Or do you want me to wait?”
Adam licked his bottom lip, staring at him. “I think now’s good, yeah,” he said, his smirk coming back, and he pulled a bottle out of the bag as well. “Let me get comfortable, baby. This is going to feel so good.” Then he licked over Tommy’s cock, tongue wet and warm, and Tommy heard Adam turn the vibrator on low. He moaned, and Adam chuckled around his cock as he flipped the top on the lube open.
Tommy moaned again when Adam sucked the head of his cock and slicked up his fingers, just rubbing around his hole. “Fuck that feels good,” he said, already getting too excited. “More.” Adam laughed again, but before Tommy could bawl him out for being a cocktease, he felt Adam press the vibrator against that place under his balls. At the same time, he went all the way down on Tommy’s cock and swallowed.
Tommy’s orgasm hit him so hard he didn’t have time to think or react. He bit his lip, the sharp pain a contrast to the pleasure running through his body as Adam brought him off. Tommy panted for a long minute as he came back to Earth, then looked down at a far too smug Adam.
“Fucker", he wheezed out when he could get the breath. “You always make me come too soon.” Adam looked entirely unrepentant, and then they both laughed. “Come here, let me suck your dick,” Tommy said, and Adam crawled up, taking the vibrator with him. “You got a condom?” Tommy said, looking at the vibe. “And how do you want this?”
“Condoms in my jacket-but do you have any in your nightstand? I don’t want to move.” Tommy winced as he shifted on the bed to get the condoms as Adam whispered “Come on, come on” at him. Finally he wrapped the toy and lubed it. Adam sighed when he pressed it against his hole. “Yeah baby, suck me and fuck me with that. Want it.” Tommy thought it was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard, and he took Adam in his mouth. He fumbled with the vibe at first-this was new territory-but he was rewarded with a sharp moan as pressed it in.
He fucked Adam with it for a few minutes, sucking him harder, until he could feel Adam twitching on his tongue, about to come. He pulled off then, and hit the button, turning the vibe from ‘off’ to ‘high speed’, and crooking it a little. Adam yelped and came all over his face. Tommy wasn’t exactly prepared for that, but it was kind of hot.
“Oh Tommy,” Adam said, breathless as he flopped down next to him. “Oh shit, I made a mess. Sorry, sorry. I’ll clean you up, okay?” And then Adam was gone, heading toward the bathroom for a washcloth. Tommy felt his leg throb a little as Adam jostled the bed in his hurry. He stared up at the ceiling thinking about what they’d done, and then he smiled. Ha, fuck you Isaac. I never did that shit to you.
Adam was back and washing him clean before he could think of Isaac again.
Later, Adam found himself curled around Tommy again. He was sleeping over for two nights in a row and it felt amazing, it wasn’t even scaring him. Well, at least not much. “Tommy?” he said, and Tommy stirred a little, then opened his eyes. “Am I going too fast? Getting the groceries, paying for everything…is it too much?” Tommy looked at him for a long minute before snuggling back on his shoulder.
“I don’t know. I don’t really have anything to compare it to,” was all he said before falling asleep again.
Adam petted his hair and decided that in this case, that was probably a good thing.