Title: By the Light of the Silvery Moon
Author: zhiverny6
Fandom: The Invisible Man
Pairing: Bobby/Darien
Ratings: PG, for scary monsters
Wordcount:~5000 words
Spoilers: For "Legends"
Summary: A silly Halloween story in which Bobby Hobbes has a bad night. Written for the
hot_donuts 2009 I-Man ficfest, for
lydiabell 's prompt, "Bobby/Darien, worry".
By the Light of the Silvery Moon )
Comments 15
This was beautiful, love the banter, you did a great job!
And, *cough*, can I say how much I love your icon? My, but he can be sexy when he wants to be. :D
(I swear, I thought I posted this this morning. The livejournal, it hates me. If you're getting this for the second time, um, thanks again! ;)
(LJ, sometimes it hates everyone. But I'm pretty sure this is the only time I got this comment.) :)
The level of broccoli between the guys is delicious! Like:
Darien asked in an undertone, “Did you get the…”
“Yeah,” whispered Bobby.
“And you found all the…”
...and speaking of delicious, Bobby losing his towel and winning the hide-and-seek by pinning Darien to the ground? NOM NOM NOM. :D
I've seen references to "broccoli" forever. I'm going to have to spend some long weekend poking around Fanlore. Fandom makes slightly more sense now.
Incidentally, I owe you, oh, eight years worth of feedback. The reason I own I Spy dvds is because of you. So, thank you :D
The reason I own I Spy dvds is because of you.
Aw! Thank you very much for saying so! I'm honored to know it. Ahhhh, I Spy. ♥ And actually, in a coincidental-I-swear burst of self-pimpery-- just this morning I posted a big picspam/essay dealio about Scotty, for choc_fic's "100 Days of Color" celebration. It was very difficult to make myself stop screencapping. The discs should come with a special warning! *pets them*
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