Time to learn him something...

Apr 26, 2007 20:39

Warily entering the Nexus just long enough for Naoko to lead him over to the dimensional locator, he dropped in a scale and got the coordinates. The girl wanted to be the one to input them, but he'd do it himself.. Can't let the vassals do everything, right ( Read more... )

naoko-chan, zhilbar, de-aging

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Comments 136

mistressnaoko April 27 2007, 04:11:58 UTC
Naoko stood back from her lover, having caught the murderous rumble in his throat and surveyed the damage. The damage done was old, though it looked like there had been a battle a long time ago. It was abandoned, and there was a sense of desolation and loneliness like none other. Her senses were attuned to pick up any residue of a dead soul, but there were none here.

It had been far too long since anyone stepped here.


zhilbar April 29 2007, 20:41:07 UTC
He just can't grasp the loss of his entire world, at this point. He could see where his teaching-caverns opened into the air , right there!

"..Miss Naoko? I need to go somewhere. Would you please climb on?" He's not going into the 'not knowing how to fly, not understanding the dynamics of having a rider, not having a clue what he might get into' aspects, of course, but he's pretty sure he can do a controlled fall. So long as it's just descending, he should be okay, but..

"Hold tight."


mistressnaoko April 29 2007, 23:52:32 UTC
Naoko nodded, and climbed up on his back, holding as tightly as she could against him. She somehow found a place where she could brace herself and still hold on to his, so that she should not be affected by the wind... Much. She trusted Zhilbar very much, even if he was a baby. She never thought to ask if he knew how to fly though.

"Ready!" she took a deep breath when saying that,


zhilbar May 1 2007, 03:48:23 UTC
Luckily, Zhilbar's slow, controlled fall idea is actually working pretty much as he thought it would. (He may have done this a few times just as secret someday-flying practice, shh don't tell anyone!) He could probably go faster with reasonable safety, but being acutely aware of the small person clinging to him means that he's trying to move as little as possible in this descent. As a side consequence, this makes for a fairly smooth ride.. If nothing compared to the flights she'd had with him before.

He's just getting above the cave mouth when he realizes a modest, steady thermal is issuing from it. And that's NOT good. Still, he can manage a workable circling to come down on the (severely trunctuated) rock ledge, landing a little jarringly but not excessively so. Wordlessly getting on all fours, he starts to prowl into the cave..


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