Me too! The pie-in-the-sky dream tank for me is a giant wall tank with leafy sea dragons, but those are just in the last few years being successfully kept in aquariums. So I was going to start with a little (30gal) tank of dwarf seahorses. Technology supporting them has actually gotten a lot better in the last few years, too, though they're still difficult.
Goldfish will be easier than sea horses by a longshot. They are cool-water fish and most don't require a tank heater. Don't get too many until you've got your system running though: goldfish are very messy and output a lot of ammonia.
Yeah -- I've kept several freshwater tanks (tetras, gourami, rams, etc in planted tanks), and single goldfish, and bettas, and I've maintained saltwater tanks, but not reef tanks -- so I know just enough to have an idea of how difficult seahorses are, but also think that a medium-sized seahorse tank would be manageable. But this aquaponics thing really pushes the decision over for me. What I'd been considering for the goldfish tank is a tall 30 gallon starting out with 3-5 comets in it, and then add a couple of small (2-3") butterfly koi to it, knowing with them I'd eventually have to move them to a larger pond outside or sell them. I've researched what kinds of plants you can keep with goldfish, but I imagine if I want to grow an herb garden off of their nitrogen and ammonia I'll want to use plastic in the tank itself. :) Do you have fish?
In a squee from a friend about getting her first article picked up by AP in her infant reporting career, I found something that you might be interested in:
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Johnna, btw, is the girl I grew up with and rediscovered at college. :)
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