
Oct 08, 2005 18:34

My kitty, Ophelia passed away this morning. About a month ago we took her to the vet because she was acting funny and found out she was experiencing kidney failure. Since then she has had to stay in the hospital two times and at home we had to give her numerous medications, force feed her, and give her IV fluids everyday. During that time she was never quite her old self and we constantly worried about whether we were doing the right thing for her. We didn't want her to suffer, just so that we could have her around a little longer, but how do you make that decision to put an animal to sleep? We knew we wanted to give her every chance we could as long as we were sure she wasn't in pain. The vets assured us we would know if she was truly in a lot of pain. Most days she seemed ok. Some days though she seemed to do really well, and would even come out for pets and climb up in her favorite chair for a nap. A couple of days ago though she had a really bad night. She was so weak she could hardly move. We were sure that this was it. My parents happened to come by that night and went with us to the vet for moral support. They tested her blood and her kidney levels were actually down quite a bit which was really good news. The problem was her potassium was also down, so we added a supplement to her medications. This seemed to help tremendously at first. Unfortunately yesterday she started acting funny again. Jack called the vet and she said it sounded like now she had too much potassium. So the vet suggested that we skip her nightly dose and see how things went. She seemed a little better last night before we went to bed, but this morning she was so weak she could barely lift her head. I sat with her while Jack made breakfast and called the vet. I gave her lots of pets, and brushed her fur. Every time I would stop she would reach out towards me with her paw (I'll never forget it). Jack came in to say that breakfast was ready so I went to eat. As I left the room Jack went in to see her for a minute, and while he was in there her paws started shaking. He called the vet and she said it sounded like she needed potassium and that we should give her a dose, and if she didn't perk up a little bit to bring her in. Jack got her medicine ready, but when we went back in she had passed away. I feel so bad that I wasn't with her at the moment she died. I hate it so much to think of her being alone, and scared, but I am so glad though that I had those few minutes with her this morning, and that she died at home instead of some cold vet's office. She fought really hard, but her little body finally gave out.

I'm going to miss her so much. She led an interesting life. She came to me in my college years. I found her in a free box in Nashville, a little artist colony outside of Bloomington. She moved around with me about a million times while I was in school. With me, she lived with many different people and many different cats. She never met another cat she couldn't get along with, nor person's heart she couldn't warm. Every one always loved beautiful Ophelia. She was such a sweet kitty. Mostly, she was a very quiet cat. She was unassuming and kept to herself except when she needed some pets. She wouldn't sit in your lap for anything, but she did love getting pets. She'd come up to you and plop down, exposing her belly. She loved the belly rubs. She'd also circle around you and nuzzle her head in your hand just as long as you'd keep petting her. Even though for the most part she was a pretty quiet kitty,when she was in the right mood she loved to talk and would talk to you for hours if you would talk back to her. Boy did she ever love the kitty treats and would gobble them down just as fast as you'd give them to her. It's the only time you'd ever see her being demanding. She was a good kitty though, and never did anything mischievous like the other cats. The house seems so lonely and empty with out her here. The only thing that makes me feel a little better though is knowing that she's not suffering anymore. We buried her at my parents house today in the blanket she liked to sleep on and with one of her favorite mouse toys. We wanted her to be some place special, and some place we knew we'd always be able to visit her. Dad played the bagpipes for her and mom picked some flowers for her grave.

Ophelia 1995-2005
My Sweet Pea


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