Title: Dreams of Starry Nights
Author: zerodetorres
Characters: Puck/Santana
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3,088
Summary: Puck and Santana's summer adventures.
Notes: Written for
snoozin81 as part of the
glee_rare_pairs fic exchange (pinch hit).
Dreams of Starry Nights )
Comments 6
He takes a deep breath and doesn't meet her eyes when he says, "I just need you to be easy." Immediately, he shakes his head. "Not like that." His eyes dart to hers. "We take shit from each other all the time, but-if you're not on my side in all of this, then who the fuck is?"
I can't eve begin to tell you how much I adore this one little paragraph. It's possibly the best insight into the two of the I've ever read. Great, Great, Great job. Thank you so much.
This is awesome, I love the dynamics of their relationship and how they play off each other. This is just perfect :)
i'm 'somethingsdont' on ff.net, but i don't post my fics there anymore due to laziness. all my fics are archived at ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/users/nightshifted
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