Title: If My Heart Was A Compass (6/10)
Author: zerodetorres
Characters: Brittany/Santana, Quinn, Puck
Rating: NC-17
Length: 4,896 (of ~56k)
Timeline: Season 1
Summary: Santana Lopez has a plan. A three-point plan. A really fucking efficient three-point plan that's going to get her the hell out of Ohio. This is her story.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3
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Comments 33
This chapter? Guh. My heart is broken, poor Santana. But I loved that Brittany's parents were totally ok with it and her little sister is just adorable. Again, the frienship between Puck/Quinn/Santana is fabulous becase she definitely needed to tell someone other than Britt. The smut was so perfect, Brittany taking care of Santana when she needed it most :)
Fabulous chapter - can't wait for another update!
I figured the pair could use a little parental support, and Brittany's parents seem like they could share Brittany's spirit/outlook on life, so in my mind, it all fit. :)
Thank you so much!
But yeah, I definitely want to give these two a happy ending that many teens never get. Thank you, as always, for reading! :)
Anyway, I just really look forward to your updates. FYI.
The point is, I'm pretty stoked you like this. Thanks so much! :)
I totally love this story though - you've got me hooked. I've been starved for good Brittany/Santana lately. They are my OTP forever.
Brittany/Santana is totally my OTP too. Though now that you mention it, and at the risk of sounding like a total creepster, I noticed that you signed up to do femslash big bang for Rachel/Quinn and not Brittany/Santana. Is that going to be part of Wise Words or do you have a completely separate story in the works?
When Santana and Brittany decided to "give it a go", I just thought they meant trying to be exclusive and I didn't realize that they meant being out at school. I'm looking forward to see how that plays out. More plsss.
Wellll, they're mostly only really out to Glee Club right now, but with the full knowledge that it'll eventually get around the school. I mean, the rest of the school already knew they messed around sometimes. I guess they just don't really know about the exclusivity yet.
And thank you! :)
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