If you're trying to get philosophical, its a poorly constructed question. As humans we are given the gift of free will, which lets us choose any path we want. As a creature, we follow these basics: shelter, food, reproduce. These are the needs of animals, but we are able to expound upon them because we are a species gifted with higher intelligence. So, using our higher thinking and free will, we are able to decide if we want to sit at the computer or go running. Go to class or sleep in. Wheat or Rye
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Many things happen which are seemingly random- Getting hit by a fly ball, getting stuck in the middle of a robbery- These are the moments that make up life. Moments such as you described are moments we control. That we can control certain things does not change that we are victims to the winds of fate- in the sense that whatever happens simply does, and we have to deal with it. That we can control them does not make us any less subject to their occurrence
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