Friends Only

Sep 13, 2006 01:42

This journal is no longer active.
Now I just lurk on ONTD.

lj:friends only

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Comments 329

taru_croft September 13 2006, 15:06:28 UTC
I gotta comment *g*

Welcome to the lock club!That site note made me laugh *lol*


zequins September 13 2006, 18:01:44 UTC
LOL thanks, unfortunately my site note is necessary, it has happen before lol.


taru_croft September 13 2006, 18:35:35 UTC

I have one question for ya - where they frak are you hiding nowadays?You are not hanging on our forum and I can't find ya anywhere! *is sad*


zequins September 13 2006, 22:04:44 UTC
I know I'm sorry, I'm just not feeling so super talkative these days, I promise to make it up to you soon.


unightfog September 14 2006, 07:08:49 UTC

so now you have closed your LJ for the public too *g*

hope everything is going well! :-)


_touched January 6 2007, 03:31:15 UTC
Hiya, I found you by way of the forum on the "Leaving Las Vegas" thread and noticed that we have a few things in common, plus we shared the same pov regarding the episode and the GSR scene that we got towards the end. I've always loved the idea of GSR and even loved them when they weren't together - shipped and now that they are, it's great.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I love making new friends and I was hoping that maybe you would friend me back or mind if I friend you?


zequins January 6 2007, 11:01:55 UTC
Hey it's nice to meet you. Let me guess... you're Suz?
Anyway I'm Tanny and I love getting new friends too :) so friend away!


oh and that icon... is that Lincoln Burrows? lol


_touched January 8 2007, 00:06:21 UTC
Yep, I'm Suz. :)

It's nice to meet you, too. *g* I kinda like makin' new friends as well. And since we had a few things in common, I thought hey why not. :)

Ooh, totally. That's Linc. Heh. Prison Break like pwns my soul, seriously. I'm such a Michael&Sara shipper and I totally love both the brothers. :)


zequins January 8 2007, 16:37:02 UTC
Michael and Sara are so cute together, I actually stopped watchign Prison Break in the beginning of season 2 but I'm still a little up to date lol.


joss80 January 12 2007, 22:17:31 UTC
Hey Tanny, seems we have some friends in common and you've commented on a couple of my fics over at Geekfiction (thanks!). Friend?


zequins January 12 2007, 23:23:16 UTC
You're just in time for my new header :) Friend awatý, it's nice meeting you :D


zequins January 12 2007, 23:25:44 UTC
yeah that strange lovely word means away :/


bluedolphincute February 28 2007, 02:39:23 UTC
Hi... Thanks for visit my journal, you're invited to readme anytime, and anyplace :)



zequins February 28 2007, 16:35:18 UTC
Cool :) Welcome to my LJ hehe.... Can I friend you :)


bluedolphincute February 28 2007, 21:59:43 UTC
Sure you do :)


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