Title: The People We've Become (11/?)
Summary: At first, no one realizes the consequences of Uzumaki Naruto's disappearance. However, his departure begins a chain of events that changes the fate of Konoha and the two teammates he left behind. Seven years later, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura are on the S-Class list and Team Seven assembles once
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Comments 6
Now I know that the next chapter will be even more amusing then ever. ^^
*huggles* Sakura scares and makes me go all "hell yezzzz" at the same time. Well done!
Ah, nakama love. Team 7 is so awesome here. Also, you fail Kakashi, shame on you, but heh, guess he (and the other dudes) will realise if they follow Sakura's advice.
Sasuke, I am proud of you too, have to mention that! Not only for being generally nice despite it all (yay for saving prostitutes in distress) but for Naruto and what you are willing to do for him :D
Oh man, the other jinchuuriki are going to be soooo pissed at this.
Danzo is DEAD! Woooo!!!
MoAr wooo!
One question, and I know you may not want to answer this for fear of ruining the ending, but: does the "death" warning only apply to Tsunade, or is one of the main characters (Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura) going to kick the bucket? Because death-fics tend to depress me, so I kind of like to know beforehand to prepare myself xD;
I'm kinda hoping that now Danzo is dead, they can figure out the truth and maybe the trio can come home? Or at least Sakura!
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