Adventurers in Zenderael belong to one of the ten guilds, and they are granted a small taste of Xumurdad's power by their Guild Leaders.
The Guild Leaders are demi-gods, each carrying one of Xumurdad's god-organs within themselves, and with it a portion of the god's power. The original ten were the heroes who felled the god, and their powers have been passed down through the centuries through ritualistic cannibalism. After consuming the previous Guild Leader's god-organ, the new Guild Leader gains an extra 100 years on their lifespan, Xumurdad's powers, leadership of the guild, and, of course, a new organ in place of the old. In certain guilds, it's a target as much as it is a blessing...
AlchemistTitle: Khshathra, Sharifa of Safta
Organ: Brain
Complement: Rogue
HQ: Safta
AssassinTitle: Armaiti
Organ: Liver
Complement: Paladin
HQ: Pakerion
BerserkerTitle: Ahura
Organ: Stomach
Complement: Spellsword
HQ: Pakerion
ClericTitle: Vahishta
Organ: Heart
Complement: Mage
HQ: Everea
DruidTitle: Vohu
Organ: Womb
Contrast: Hunter
HQ: Pakerion
HunterTitle: Mano
Organ: Penis
Complement: Druid
HQ: Everea
MageTitle: Asha; A'zam Mogh of the World Library
Organ: Lungs
Complement: Cleric
HQ: Safta
PaladinTitle: Spenta
Organ: Colon
Complement: Assassin
HQ: Everea
RogueTitle: Vairya
Organ: Tongue
Complement: Alchemist
HQ: Pakerion
SpellswordTitle: Mazda; Admiral of the Amber Eyes
Organ: Eyes
Complement: Berserker
HQ: Safta
Overview: Alchemists are genius inventors, using their innovation and knowledge to mix potions or build new technology. They're also shrewd businesspeople, turning profits off of the things they create.
Alchemists can craft attack potions, healing potions, buffing potions, potions that summon minions, equippable trinkets, complex guns and bows, even their own pets and mounts! The only problem is that they need components for all of these things, and the best place to get components, well...
Alchemists are capable of decent melee and ranged damage, but the bulk of their skills center around making and tossing potions. This makes them an expensive class, but gives them a wide range of play styles.
History: The founder of the Alchemists was Khshathra, who ate Xumurdad's brain and gained Its knowledge. With this new understanding, he discovered that all he wanted to do was sequester himself and work on science. To this end, the first Khshathra founded Safta, with the Spellswords to protect it and the Mages to catalogue its works.
The Alchemists have a business partnership with the Rogues. Rogues sell them components at black-market discounts, and they sell Rogues their creations significantly marked down. This is something of an open secret; everyone knows it happens, but nobody will admit to it.
The current Khshathra, also the Sharifa of Safta, is both head of her Guild and leader of the country. She takes great care to remain neutral in all international dealings. She is a good-humoured old woman with long white hair, thick glasses, and a loud, obnoxious laugh.
Leader: The Khshathra, Sharifa of Safta
Power source: The Brain of Xumurdad
Builds: Combat, Support, Disrupt
Armor: Mail
Weapon: Medium, Ranged
Complement: The Rogues
Relationships: Partners with the Mages, Rogues, and Spellswords
Neutral with all others
Overview: Assassins are part of a dark brotherhood sworn but only to each other in fealty; all other lives, great or small, are mercy to their poisoned daggers. They specialize in stealth and are expert tacticians, and their leader, the Armaiti, breeds viciousness into all beneath her.
History: The Armaiti ascended to power after devouring the liver of Xumurdad in the back country of Pakerion. Without fail she took the deceptive powers granted to her and began dismantling what she saw as an unjust distribution of power and pretension in Zenderael.
The Assassin's guild is assumed open to only those it selects in it's approach. Players within the guild are trained through several deadly arts, and have a few spells at their disposal; largely weapon modifications for poisonings.
The current Armaiti is a dark, spindly woman with empty eyes and sharpened teeth. She is without mercy in personality and in decisive action.
Leader: The Armaiti
Power source: The Liver of Xumurdad
Builds: Combat, Disrupt
Armor: Leather
Weapon: Medium; Dual-Wield
Complement: The Paladins
Relationships: Partners with the Hunters.
Distrustful of Clerics due to their relationship with Paladins.
Dislike just about everyone else.
Neutral with the Berserkers.
Overview: Berserkers are renowned for their ferocity, able to ignore their own injuries while in the heat of battle and fight to the very last drop of blood. Their hallmark is the bloodlust they go into during battle, blinding them to all but their opponent.
Combat berserkers rely on brute force to defeat their enemies, becoming more powerful the worse their injuries become. Defense berserkers use their fury to protect their companions, absorbing enemy attacks while teammates do the damage.
History: The berserkers were founded by Ahura, who ate Xumurdad's stomach and gained Its vigor. She retreated to the wild lands of Pakerion, where she established a guild of like-minded fighters who believed that enlightenment lay in the thrill of battle.
The berserker guild accepts all comers, but the training is so intense that few make it through. Those who finish and come out as guild-certified berserkers are the toughest, most stalwart people Zenderael has to offer.
The guild largely keeps to itself, though many find their services indispensable. Berserkers are often hired out when requested, and many make a living as mercenaries. It's not uncommon to find berserkers drafted into armies.
The current Ahura is a spirited young man with a mane of dark hair. Power in the guild is traditionally passed down through annual tournaments, the winner getting to fight the Ahura for his title. The current one has held his for nearly seventy years.
Leader: The Ahura
Power source: The Stomach of Xumurdad
Armor: Plate
Weapon: Medium, Heavy; Shield
Builds: Combat; Defense
Complement: Spellswords
Relationships: Dislike clerics, spellswords, and Alchemists due to Alchemist alliance with spellswords.
Disdainful of paladins, believing they miss the point of battle, and of mages, for eschewing physical combat altogether.
Neutral toward hunters, druids, assassins, and rogues.
Overview: A class focused on healing and the holy power of Xumurdad, the Clerics have access to amazing miracles that are marveled at by the other classes. The power to undermine death has long been the most precious of abilities, and a high-level Cleric is capable of such mysteries.
History: The Clerics are the only class that prior to the fall of Xumurdad there is documentation of their existence. Back then, they were not magical; they were merely a temple culture that focused on worshipping the leader of the land. The Clerics were the last to deign to eat the fallen piece of their God, and so received the heart of their great lord, and unimaginable power.
The Clerics have never been quite at peace with the Berserkers, finding their abhorrent violence irritating, and hold a special guard in the Paladins. It is more common to see a party consist of two Paladins, a Spellsword, a Mage and a Cleric than it is any other combination in the player-base of Zen, and that's most likely due to the classes incredible compatibility.
The current Vahishta is an angry man, they say, but he always seems to pleasant to outside interaction. He's got feathery blonde hair and a pretentious mustache.
Leader: The Vahishta
Power Source: The Heart of Xumurdad
Armor: Cloth
Weapon: Light
Builds: Combat, Support
Complement: Mages
Relationships: Partners with Paladins.
Dislike Assassins and Berserkers due to their unholy nature.
Disdainful of Rogues and Alchemists.
Likes Mages and Spellswords.
Neutral to all else.
Overview: A summoning class. Druids were considered an anomalous class because of their complex skill-set.
Capable of all four builds, when a Druid chooses their skill path they automatically receive the summon designed for their build. They are listed below. There has been a decent amount of criticism that the Spirits Druids summon are elementally oriented, forcing Druids to pick an element along with build.
The elementals have small call-outs and Druids, in their in-game content, often speak with them.
Defense - Paul is an Earth-elemental. A giant rock turtle, he creates a defensive glow around the Druid summoning and has several devastating, but devastatingly slow, ground attacks. His personality as coded by the game developers is Friendly, but Dumb.
Combat - Nick is a Fire-elemental. He appears as a slender humanoid with flaming hair and a cigarette always dangling from his lip. His personality as coded by the game developers is Witty, but Mean-Spirited.
Support - Dan is a Water-elemental. He appears as a slender humanoid with dread-locks and spindly fingers. His personality as coded by the game developers is Kind, but Naive.
Disrupt - Shawnee is a Wind-elemental. She appears as a slender, curvacious humanoid with a wild mess of leaves for hair and clothes forever tussled in an imaginary storm. Her personality as coded by the game developers is Sincere, but Flighty.
A higher-level Druid can also bewitch Mobs and use them to their advantage, as well as several other nature-based spells.
History: Druids have often been outliers in Zenderael, courting the outskirts of proper society. Though polite, religious individuals, their communes with both animals and spirits have often set the rest of the community ill-at-ease.
They're relatively respected, outside of by the Hunters, who have always seen the Druids as invading the natural world. Historically, the first Vohu devoured the womb shortly after the first Mano.
The current Vohu is a slender man with high, painted cheekbones and almond eyes. He keeps his long brown hair plated with green ribbons, and his nails long and polished. He's a patient, loving soul.
Leader: The Vohu
Power source: The Womb of Xumurdad
Armor: Leather
Weapon: Light, Medium; Shield
Builds: Support, Combat, Disrupt, Defense
Complement: Hunter
Relationships: Distrustful of Hunters and Berserkers.
Neutral with all other classes.
Overview: Expert marksmen, Hunters thrill for the catch and the artistry of long-distance combat. Their accuracy is lethal and they often thrive in trading circles thanks to their collected furs and goods from the land.
The Hunter has two builds and behaves strategically in both. In Combat they are ranged, and in Support they are buffs only, not heals.
History: Xumurdad's fall and further devouring left but two organs remaining, and the uterus and penis of the dual-gendered weren't going to get eaten anytime soon. Except, of course, by the first Mano, who had heard of the virility found within the organ. His choice to devour the penis of Xumurdad bestowed upon him forever-sight, and so his followers lusted after the ability to strike any target with perfect accuracy.
The Guild is at best scattered, at worst a rag-tag set of loners that occasionally share a meal, and occasionally disputes over hunting territory leads to a lost limb… or life. The viciousness that occasionally erupts leads the Hunters to naturally depend on some of the stealth skills apparent to Assassins.
An unknown incident left the Hunters stationed in the dead center of the Holy Land but with a bit of a distrust for the Holy itself, leading an interesting contrast. Most Hunters dread visiting home-base, and find themselves out of place in religious talk. They're a bit more simple, and find strict organization shifty, at best.
The current Mano is a full-figured, lust-for-life woman who laughs at everything until she's shot your balls off. She's no iron-fist, but her rules are followed by her guildsmen, every last one.
Leader: The Mano
Power source: The Penis of Xumurdad
Armor: Leather
Weapon: Medium, Ranged
Builds: Support, Combat, Disrupt
Complement: Druid
Relationships: Partners with the Assassins and Rogues.
Distrustful of Clerics, Mages, and Paladins.
Dislikes no one outright.
Neutral with all other classes.
Overview: Mages have learned how to manipulate reality at its core. They can create raging infernos, raise tidal waves, even create matter from nothing or teleport to distant lands. They are limited only by their own technical skill and their imaginations.
Mages focus on ranged skills, lacking the ability to defend themselves in melee. Combat mages use the power of the elements to leave their opponents reeling, while disrupt mages concentrate on disorienting opponents and disabling them.
History: The founder of the mages was Asha, who ate Xumurdad's lungs and gained Its courage. He quickly formed alliances with the Alchemists and spellswords, and together they founded Safta.
Still headquarted in Safta, the mages offer their services to both the Alchemists and spellswords, sharing the finer points of magical theory with both guilds. The Asha is in charge of a magical research institution which also houses the World Library, a collection of knowledge so extensive it's a massive labyrinth. Mages working as administrators of the World Library are called Mogh, collectively Moghan, and the Asha is called the A'zam Mogh.
Being a mage is not for the faint of heart. Only those with the courage to face the truth behind reality can grasp the theories behind the magic the guild practices. The idea of ripping into the seams of reality, seeing the universe at its core, and stitching it back together to one's whims is an inherently terrifying one in practice. Many guild candidates can't handle the revelation of what the world is like beneath the surface, and go mad. Those who face it with courage come out on the other side as mages.
The current Asha is a quiet young man with a stern stare behind a pair of glasses. His knowledge is extensive and he acts as an advisor to the ruler of Safta.
Leader: The Asha, A'zam Mogh of the World Library
Power Source: The Lungs of Xumurdad
Armor: Cloth
Weapons: Light
Builds: Combat, Disrupt
Complements: The Clerics
Relationships: Partners with the Spellswords and Alchemists.
Distrustful of Paladins due to their relationship with Clerics.
Secretly Disdainful of Cleris, and Dislike Rogues due to mage alliance with Alchemists
Neutral toward Berserkers, Hunters, Druids, and Assassins.
Overview: A warrior healing class, Paladins are the noble guard of both the Cleric class and the Holy Lands. They possess the blessings of the Gods, along with the strength and character to overcome any dispute.
Primarily used as tanks with small healing buffs, Paladins are an extremely flexible class, capable of fitting any build.
History: The first Spenta first ate a piece of Xumurdad on the run from The Armaiti, the newly awakened leader of the Assassins. In a panic he ate the colon of Xumurdad, hoping against hope for some sort of power. Luckily, the defensive strength he acquired prevented his untimely demise.
This war against the Assassins is still reflected in the day-to-day workings of the Paladin. They are taught the first and foremost sin is to murder, thought they often take lives at their hands. The distinction between a just kill and a disgusting murder is drilled into early cadet's heads by the current Spenta.
The Spenta, by the by, is a stern elder man with gray highlighting every part of his visage. He's kindly in person, but behind the scenes can sometimes be a sight to behold.
Leader: The Spenta
Power source: The Colon of Xumurdad
Armor: Plate
Weapon: Medium, Heavy; Shield
Builds: All
Complement: Assassin
Relationships: Partners with the Clerics.
Distrustful of all but Mages and Spellswords.
Dislikes all but Mages, Spellswords and Alchemists.
Neutral with the Mages and Spellswords.
Overview: A class that's all about the bottom line, Rogues aren't to be confused with merchants. They'll buy and sell, but always at less than it's worth or at outrageous mark-ups. Don't worry, though. Arguments with Rogues aren't long-standing; they'll just cut you open to get to the goods.
A Disrupt Rogue focuses on quick hits and stealth to destroy a target's base, whereas a combat Rogue focuses on technique and stamina in order to speed past a target.
The current Vairya is a vibrant red-head with a silver tongue. She can get you out of anything: your house, your wallet, your marriage...
Leader: The Vairya
Power source: The Tongue of Xumurdad
Armor: Mail
Weapon: Medium, Ranged
Builds: Disrupt, Combat
Complement: Alchemist
Relationships: Partners with Assassins and Alchemists.
Distrustful of all but Berserkers, Clerics and Druids.
Dislikes the Clerics.
Neutral with Druids.
Overview: Spellswords have the ability to see magic. Any use of it leaves traces in the air, manifesting as an aura or glowing trails. Their exposure to magic in this way quickly turns their eyes gold.
Spellswords focus on a combination of martial and magical skills. They come in three flavours: supporters, who use magic to enhance and shield themselves and others; disruptors, who make use of their sight to counter and block magic, absorbing it and turning it around on their enemies; and combatants, who use their elemental skills to enhance their martial prowess and defeat their enemies with a mix of melee and magic.
History: The founder of the spellswords was Mazda, who ate Xumurdad's eyes and gained Its insight. She quickly established a relationship with the Alchemists, and Mazda set up her guild to be their sword.
Headquartered in Safta, the spellsword guild serves as the core of the country's military power. All members must complete two years of mandatory service in the Amber Gaze, so named for the distinctive eyes of the spellswords. Afterward, guild members are free to stay enlisted or leave as they please, though they will always remain beholden to the guild. In times of need, those who have left service may be called back. However, since Safta is a neutral territory, there is rarely need.
The current Mazda, also the Admiral of the Amber Gaze, is a middle-aged woman with greyed hair and Xumurdad's piercing gaze. She is militant and commands her guild with an iron fist. She does not tolerate nonsense or failure.
Members of the Amber Gaze, known as Ambereyes, rank above the rest of Safta's military. They have a reputation as fierce and strict enforcers of the law. They are greatly respected, or at least greatly feared, and anybody who may dislike the Amber Gaze would never express it to an Ambereye's face.
Leader: The Mazda, Admiral of the Amber Gaze
Power source: The eyes of Xumurdad
Armor: Mail
Weapon: Medium, Heavy; Dual-Wield
Builds: Support; Disrupt; Combat
Complement: The Berserkers
Relationships: Partners with the Mages and Alchemists.
Distrustful of the Clerics and Paladins.
Dislike Berserkers
Neutral toward Hunters, Druids and Assassins.