Jim C. Hines website Did you ever wonder what happened to Cinderella after she moved to the Prince’s castle? Was it really “happily ever after?”
jimhines shows us the story after the original fairy tale ends as Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty embark on an adventure initiated by the stepsisters. He offers us a delightful tale of action, adventure and intrigue, with dashes of humor and characters that truly come to life on the page.
I had read reviews of Jim’s work before, but this is the first book of his that I’ve had the pleasure of reading. It will certainly not be the last. It has been said before that
Jim is very good with characterization and I have to agree. His characters offer a psychological depth as they grow and change throughout this novel. We care about what happens to them and are drawn into wanting to learn more about their thoughts and their lives. These women aren't pampered weak royalty. They are strong characters that have experienced challenges and hardships, which they learned to overcome.
If you are interested in a fun story with strong female characters, pick up this book. You won’t be disappointed. The only hard part will be waiting for the sequel.