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Comments 1

coyotesuspect July 27 2013, 08:20:29 UTC
But here in the harsh light, the golden-gilding thick sunlight of the heat of the day, Sam is brash and careless after two plus weeks without seeing another soul, other than Dean. And Dean is brazen, because nothing can hide, in this bright midday sun, and so why look away, why act like you can't see something when it's standing right in front of you.

*whispers* z this is beauty ;___;

Dean can't finish any of his "I" statements. He has no fucking clue what to say about himself, so practiced in putting family first, family first, family first. There's a pull and a hurt and a need in him that he's slowly realizing has nothing to do with family right now and it's making him sick.


that is so perfectly, painfully Dean auaaaaauugh


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