DS Comic: Speranza's "Interrogation," Part 4 (pp. 9, 10, 11)

Feb 28, 2010 16:02

I'm back, baby!

Story by Speranza, art by me. If you missed them, check out pp. 1-3, pp. 4-6, and pp. 7-8.

Page 9

Why the dramatic chiaroscuro on the last three panels? *shrug* I get a little punchy at 2 in the morning.

Page 10

Fourth panel Ray is such a Cylon.

Page 11

Q: Say, Z, couldn't you have gotten across essentially the same information with only panels 3, 5, and 7?
A: Yes, but gratuitous not!kissing panels is what I *live for.*

Next time: more cameos, more not kissing! [ xpost]

ds, art, adaptation, comics

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