FIC: Risk (Castle; K+)

Dec 20, 2009 21:16

Title: Risk
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: Castle; Esposito, Ryan, Beckett, Castle (could be Esposito/Ryan)
General info: Not mine; K+
Words: 350
Notes: Written for afteriwake for the castle100 Holiday Drabble Exchange. Thanks to significantowl for the read through!
Summary: Castle hosts a card game.

That's it, I'm out )

fic challenge: castle100, tv: castle, fic, fic: castle

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Comments 5

afteriwake December 22 2009, 18:04:33 UTC
:squees like nobody's business:: THIS IS AWESOME! This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much!


zeldaophelia December 23 2009, 23:45:15 UTC
Yay!!! I'm so happy you like it! This was so much fun to write. :D


i_am_girlfriday December 22 2009, 22:09:57 UTC
Fun! Thanks for sharing!


zeldaophelia December 23 2009, 23:45:37 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


theaquamarine June 28 2010, 05:46:52 UTC
Awwww, loved it! Good to see that Beckett and Castle don't win them all! :) I thought it was really neat that you included a little bit about how each of the characters plays poker: the Espo shuffles, Beckett is unreadable, and Martha was continuing to be unhelpful to Castle! ;) Great job!


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