FIC: Presentation [CSI:NY, K]

Nov 01, 2009 20:04

Title: Presentation
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: CSI:NY; Aiden
General info: Not mine; K
Notes: For the 8secondsfic challenge. Not betaed.
Summary: She's still new, what makes anyone think they'll listen to her?
Words: 100

Aiden fidgets restlessly as the team joins her at the lab bench, playing with a button on her lab coat as they settle in and turn to look at her expectantly. She doesn't know why Stella is making her do this. Okay, she does - but just because she made the connection, it doesn't mean she has to be the one explaining it, does it? She's still new, what makes Stella think they'll listen to her?

Catching her boss' reassuring look, Aiden takes a deep breath and starts explaining her hypothesis. It's science, it makes sense. She can do this.

comments at Dreamwidth.

fic challenge: 8 seconds, tv: csi:ny, fic: csiny

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