FIC: Searching (Harry Potter; Harry/Hermione, K)

Feb 14, 2009 09:01

Title: Searching
Author: Zelda Ophelia (zeldaophelia)
Fandom/Character: Harry Potter; Harry/Hermione
General info: Not mine; K
Summary: It took nearly six years for Hermione Granger to manage to track down her best friend.
Notes: For the Candy Hearts Challenge (My phrase was I WONDER). Thanks to significantowl for the beta.
Words: 2732

In the days following the defeat of Voldemort )

fic: harry potter, fic, book: harry potter, fic challenge: candy hearts

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Comments 2

pargoletta February 15 2009, 04:47:30 UTC
That was a sweet little story, and I'm not even a great Harry Potter fan (lost interest about halfway through Book 6). I like the idea that Harry took some time to hide and really think about his life; it strikes me as something that he really needed, even halfway through Book 6.


madderbrad February 15 2009, 09:00:33 UTC
Heh. I was wondering when we would get to the 'big kiss' - I was sure there was going to be one! - only to find that it happened at the very end! But it was a good ending. :-)

I like the idea of the "don't find me" spell, sort of like a watered down Fidelius? Or a Fidelius with a constraint/qualifier on it.

And I'm glad that Hermione showed her commitment to keep looking for Harry for so long. I would expect nothing less of canon!Hermione.

I must admit, though, I would be a tad disappointed if Harry wants to *continue* being a grocer. Surely six years is enough time for him to adjust and get used to the idea of going back to the wizarding world? Particularly if he's going to live happily ever after with Hermione? Thanks for the story.


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